Part 10 : Expression of Feeling

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"Time flies so fast since I joined this school in Grade Seven. When I first joined it seemed to be a new school and new friends that I haven't met before. Your cooperation and effort made me able to understand the homeroom teacher after you met her at school. I was also able to make new friends and adopt to this new situation.

When the pandemic struck in The Grade Eight, I had to face a new learning experience from my own home. I then learned to use Microsoft Teams in Grade Ninth even though we struggled financially. You were also there to support me through my high school years.

The Junior College period is also a time for major exams. You helped me to remember to study when there is a major examination and I was able to get good grades on the AS level and A level examination, as well as the national exams. These grades allowed me to graduate from high school.

As I am about to graduate from high school,

I want to thank you for helping me able to graduate from high school. I was also to thank you for being with me whenever I face a difficult situation".

From: Glory.

(A few days before graduation, Glory wrote a letter all by herself, without any help. She presented it at the school graduation ceremony).


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