Part 4 of this thing. Idek anymore

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48: on free dress day, curl your hair or wear a wig and just come in a sheet to school (maybe with underwear on too. I don't wanna see yo bits man!)
49: locate one of your best friends in the class you're in and call them in the middle of class. Make sure at the recess before then you turned the sound on and you also have a really catchy song for your ringtone
50: Hug contest. START!
51: question what you're even reading anymore
52: Read a book backwards and upside down
53: Slap Author in the fac- HEY!

And I think that's all I know! Um if you want more like and share with your friends if you don't, well, I have one just for you 😊 54: GO SUCK A KNOB YOU BLOODY TWAT. I mean.
Yeah idk what I mean anymore. Bye!

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