hi besties

9 3 5

so I realise that i havent posted on this story for 12 days so thats super edgy erm i struggling socially and i basically only have 1 friend and kinda another friend that doesnt talk to me that much but thats not her fault obvi 

so how is everyone else my little baka bears

omg so edit of this THE STUPID BOYS in my class are coming inside me and my friends room which is like called a quiet room so the walls r thicker but its a really small room but its fine and they kept on coming in like they do this EVERYDAY and they came in like "ohh what happened------" but like in a teasing way .

they are SO ANNOYING

and i have no one to sit with since one of my friends is with her other friends and my other friend left school so im sitting in the school councelors waiting room bc i dont want to see ppl so yh keep me entertained

my daily thoughts uwu (most of them are at school)Where stories live. Discover now