Chapter One

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"you have to show the new cleaner around," Mick said, not looking Marc in the eyes. 

"Can't. This fucking car- I'm not leaving it halfway done." Marc said not looking up from the engine. 

"It's not my call, Mate,  Me and the lads have to go pick someone up and with Terrence coming later-"  

"Terrence is coming? Usual half-day, full pay deal?" Marc asked finally glancing up from the car.

"We're picking up his brother from his extended time away, his son wants to meet his uncle, Once the cleaner is shown around and told where we keep the mop the rest of the day is yours," Mick responded pulling the rag from the workbench and tossing it to Marc, who caught it with feigned annoyance. 

"If it means I'm free for the day-" He reasoned with himself. "You're calling Pete and telling him his car will be late." He finished, wiping the grease from his hands. 

"I'm sure he'll understand," Mick said.

"Sure, he's a really understanding guy" Marc said with a chuckle. 

Pete was a short man with an even shorter fuse. Rumour has it he once ran someone over and still had the guy beaten up for touching his car- after he'd gotten out of hospital. 

"Terrance is an old friend of his, It'll be fine. The cleaner will be here in an hour so get cleaned up." Mick said as he left, leaving a money clip on the workbench. 

Marc had worked for Mick since he was 19, Now twenty-three and having seen a lot more than anyone else would have ever been allowed to see, he is in an awkward position, Not a full member of the gang- Oh right. he works for quite a large gang of thugs. Nice men if they thought you were a friend. if not you might want to relocate. Marc isn't a member and doesn't want to be, but he isn't fully out of the gang either. Everyone is waiting for Terrance to ask him, and once asked you can't really turn it down. 

Mick keeps him out of the way whenever Terrence visits, rarely as that may be. 

He had never met the man they were going to pick up. He knew his name was Nick, Terrence's younger brother, He used to run the garage but the lads don't really talk about him. He was pretty much left to his own devices, He and the boys could do whatever illegal enterprises they wanted as long as they didn't fuck with the main gang's efforts. 

Mick had told him a few stories when he was drunk but nothing about the guy on a personal level. He told the story of his arrest quietly though. 

"We went behind his back" He started taking a large rink before continuing. "There was a guy- recently divorced, tried getting Nick to steal some fish from his ex-wife-" 

"Fish?" Marc had asked

"Real expensive- koi, Wife had taken them along with everything else. Nick wouldn't do it, we begged- the money he was offering- We did the job anyway-" Mick drank more. "We didn't know she'd put in a brand new security system- Nick said he'd done it- He was the bigger fish so the cops took him- He was my best freind-" He passed out and never brought it up again, Marc thinks he forgot about it. 

He was standing outside the garage with a cigarette in his lips when he was drawn from memory lane by a man staring through the office window. He was taller than Marc but thinner. If it was gang related Marc was sure he could take this guy. 

He whistled, loud and sharp, which drew the man's attention. He had curly white hair, Marc could tell it was dyed, the man was too young to be greying. 

"New cleaner?" Marc asked dropping his cig 

"Sure," the man said with a smirk. "You are the boss?" He asked as he approached. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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