♡ Handling a bad day

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Satoru Gojo
- With a drink and retail therapy
- You can usually tell when something bad happened because he shows up with unnecessary groceries
- "We already have a dozen eggs."
"I bought two dozen more just in case."
- He started buying groceries to make it seem less like a spending issue
- Pure vodka kind of man on a bad day

- Rarely has a bad day
- Solves his serious emotional problems with sex
- Absolutely phenomenal sex though
- Nothing needs to be said

Yuji Itadori
- Talk it out kind of guy
- He tries not to go on and on about it but sometimes it's just like that
- He likes to have feedback on his situation sometimes
- Mostly just wants someone to care
- "Yeah... Anyways let's go get ice cream from 7/11."

Toge Inumaki
- Stress Gardner
- He will write things down if you ask but he doesn't like the hassle of having to write anything out
- When he's in the garden for several hours you know something is wrong
- Especially touchy that night too, just wants to hold you

Yuta Okkotsu
- Bathroom floor crier
- He tries to keep it a secret but it's not well kept
- Embarrassed about crying in front of you so he won't talk about it until several days later when he's over it
- Just have to let it out sometimes

Toji Fushiguro
- You'll find him at the raceway making bets
- It was supposed to be a one time thing that turned into a habit
- He's on his last strike with the club, if he gets into one more fight he's banned
- Enjoys some food and a drink to relax before going home

Megumi Fushiguro
- Quiet and argumentative
- "Why are you taking this out on me?"
"I'm not."
- Usually ends with some kind of rough sex
- Brooding silence

Suguru Geto
- The king of crash outs
- Tries not to let it seep into his relationship but inevitably..
- Very apologetic to you
- Throws himself into his work until it passes
- "I'm sorry, love I just need to make sure this gets finished."
"Alright." (but it's not alright it's 4 am and he hasn't come to bed)

Kento Nanami
- Avoidant
- "Nothing's wrong."
"Are you sure?"
- Internalizes most things
- Very good at keeping it together though
- Mindlessly traces shapes on your back all night long, so lost in thought

- Majorly lacks coping skills
- Reacts exactly how he feels to whatever he faces
- "Why did you destroy the kitchen?"
"I was angry."
- Works hard on keeping it together since you told him he can't act like that anymore
- Started training his skills to take it out on something
- Replacing his gym equipment monthly

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