chapter 2 edited

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castella's pov.

       I am so happy I was finally able to bring my mother back to the land of the living but what I am confused with is why I used such powerful magic to save someone I don't know. When the Cullen's and bella left the room my mom comes over to hug me

" what all happened to you I was more focused on keeping the twins alive these three years that i sort of forgot to check on you every once in awhile" my mom says 'well you know about phil raping me and renee watching and calling me a slut but what you probably don't is that Renee,Isabella and dad were abusive and would find any way to 'punish' as they would call it going as far as blaming everything that happened on me even if i was involved and ended up in the hospital barely anyone in forks noticed me except the principal and your old friend. I had to work two jobs because no one would help me take care of the kids never mind that i wanted to give them up for adoption so they would have a better life then me and renee and phil wouldn't allow me to but they would not take care of them so it fell on my sholders which is hard when they all would get fired from all of the jobs i worked for something i didn't do until your old friend gave me a good paying job oh and let's not forget that i had paid renee and phils bills and mogae payments as well as bout food for the house that i wasn't allowed to eat and the always called me an ungrateful slut who should respect them since they let me and my kids live there free of charge at least with Charlie i wasn't spending the money i made for the kids and i on makeing sure we all weren't homless because renee and bella spent all of Phil's money on usless stuff, no Charlie just got me fired and beat me and the twins but it was still worse because all of bella's friends would abuse me as well i was even left at the school while bella was taken to the hospital after a car crash and bella didn't even get hit i did the principal found me on the ground when he was leaving and took me to the hospital and the car crash was apparently my fault just like every other time bella got in danger or depressed. Just like today bella when and decided to jump of the cliff while since i had a day of I took the kids to the park and of course she blamed me for forcing her to jump of the cliff when i had not talked to her all day and i was no were near her and so her friend Jacob black  pushed me out of my chair and punched me over and over untill the twins tried to stop him and turned and punched the twins untill they were knocked out . i got back in my chair went inside made something to eat and woke the twins made sure they ate and waited untill i could take them to the hospital but Isabella decided it was the best opportunity to get rid of me so her,Charlie,renee,and phil would get the inheritance Charlie's,renee's and even,Phil's left me of course they only suspect i the unknown person who inhearted everything because they made sure my name was only mentioned to there lawyers and no one else. So Isabella took my kids and threw them in the car knowing I would follow because I don't trust her with them, then when we got to the airport she took the kids and made sure her and Alice was she was seated far away from me all while they had the twins. I was a complete mess. The entire flight and to make matter worse I have no idea what she did to them on the plain or when she took them with her so she could save Edward. Oh and lets not forget that  Alice got a car with two seats whan we landed and I was stuck sitting in the middle straddling the gear shift with Isabella hitting me over and over, and when Alice couldn't make it all the way Isabella had to run and she took the kids. Alice parked the car got my chair latterly threw me into my chair and i had to try and fix my self so i was sitting currently while she wheeled me here were I see the twins on the floor knocked out. then we got into this room Alice decided throws me to stop edward and bella from being killed or hurt. Just to let you know I have no idea why I am in the chair i just mysteriously lost feeling in my leg during a trip to Seattle, the doctors believe it's do to all of the abuse and stress i have had to indore but they aren't completely sure. Now Can someone please tell me what is going on and why I used such powerful magic to save someone I don't know ' I signed

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