The Party

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Omg it actually took me so long to find out how to make another part I am so sorry.

Minji woke up to loud combination of sounds of ringing and notifications blasted into her ear, causing her to jump. She mentally cursed herself for sleeping with her phone next to her ear. She groggily stood up and rubbed her eyes, seeing that someone was calling her and messaging her at the same time, looking at the caller id, she saw a blurry text on her phone screen. Hanni. What does she want. With a swift motion, Minji took the phone in her hand and accepted the call

"Wha-" "GIRL! THE PARTY IS STARTING IN 20 MINUTES, WHERE ARE YOU?" Hanni screamed through the phone, causing Minji to move the phone away from her ear to prevent any ear damage... Oh shit, the party. "Oh fuck! The party. I'll be right there, just give me.. 20 minutes"

Minji said hurriedly as she sprang up from the bed. "Are you deaf? I literally just said the party starts in 20 minutes! Come on, quick! Danielle and I already made up a plan so we don't get caught." Minji could hear the muffled sounds of Hanni's panicked voice as Minji struggled to put on a tight black dress.
"Hanni, do i need to wear any makeup? Like simple one or do I have to go all out" Minji asked while zipping up her black dress. "I would say go all out but since you only have like 19 minutes, I'd say you wouldn't need any. I also didn't wear any to make you feel better. Besides, you'd still look great without any makeup. " Minji cringed at the reply Hanni gave, at least the only thing she has to worry about is her hair.
Arriving at the Kang's residency, Minji checked the time on her phone. 5.57 a.m. She let out a sigh of relief, at least she got there three minutes earlier. Minji stealthily made her way to Hanni and Danielle, dodging any one that came by her way.

Upon arrival, she was met with two disappointed faces staring at her. "What? I didn't give you guys these faces when you were late to... School. Besides I arrived here 3 minutes earlier," Minji defended herself, her arms raised up and palms facing Danielle and Hanni. Hanni shook her head before crossing her arms. "Whatever, atleast you're here. Okay we need a plan, here take this," Hanni said, tossing a mask over to Minji. Minji started at the mask, bewildered. Inspecting it. It was not the mask she expected, she thought they would just to without a mask and it's those half masks.

"I'm not wearing this. You said I didn't have to wear any makeup, this mask obviously needs me to wear makeup, it's only the top part that it covers!" Minji complained as she waved the mask in front of Hanni's face. "Minji, you need to wear it. If we don't wear it, we're going to get caught" Danielle replied, her arms akimbo. Minji pressed her lips into a tight line, and grumbled. Taking the mask and putting it on, using her phone screen as a mirror. "I look stupid" Minji said. "Well deal with it" Hanni retorted.

The line to get into the palace was long, too long. So long infact that Minji, Danielle and Hanni pushed their way through the line. If they did not do that, they would have been waiting from the start of the party to the end of the party. Once inside the palace, the three split ways. Only communicating through phones. Danielle went to a dance floor, Hanni went somewhere and Minji went to see some guy sing on a stage. If Minji could recall what his name was, it would be something like Ni-ki...? Yeah probably.

Soon the 'Ni-ki ' guy finished singing and made his way off stage. After that it was some boring magic show, Minji felt bordem overwhelm her during the magic show. Mid-way in the show, Minji turned around and left. The mask was uncomfortable and hard to see through, but she needs it in order to not get caught. While walking, she noticed that she received weird looks at her from others. People that she did not even knew existed. Hard to believe, but she's a princess not a social experiment. Minji let her legs take her to wherever they wanted to go, observing the crowded room.

Whilst walking, she seemed to not have noticed where she was going, resulting into her bumping into a smaller girl. Minji panicked and grabbed the smaller girl's elbow quickly, in order for the girl to not fall. "I'm sorry." Minji muttered, it was somehow loud enough for the girl to hear. Watching as the girl lifted her head, Minji felt drawn to the girl's feline eyes. "It's okay, don't worry" The girl answered with a smile. Soon the girl's expression shifted into confusion, it's probably the mask. "What is up with the mask?" The girl asked as she tilted her head and pointed at the mask, a small smirk grew on the girl's face. Called it. Minji shook her head, dismissing the question. Just when Minji was going to speak, the girl suddenly turned around and rushed away. Minji could not stop looking at the girl, the way she was carefully making her way away made Minji want to know about her more. But when she took a step forward, the girl disappeared into the crowd. Minji's lips curled down into a disappointed frown. Maybe next time.

After 30 minutes later, a loud announcement had caught Minji's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen! Dear Princess Kang Haerin and Prince Ni-ki had just been married in this fine party! Please, applaud them for their righteous decision!" Minji grimaced, a marriage? Soon loud applauds roared through the palace, not wanting any attention, Minji joined in.

However as the 'Ni-ki' guy and the 'Kang Haerin' girl walked up to reveal their faces. The same feline eyes from before stared straight into her's. That's how Minji knew, The Kang Haerin was the girl who had bumped into her from before. Minji felt the side of her lips rise, her face forming a smile as she stared back at the feline eyes that was staring into her's. This is going to be the start to something, and Minji knew it.

After the loud applause had died down and everything went back to normal, Minji found herself walking to an area where a buffet of food was showcased next to a pair of curtains. Taking one piece of grape in her hand, she plopped one into her mouth and started chewing. The sweet taste of the grape exploded in her mouth before a voice broke the peace Minji was in.

"Oh, it's you again. The mask girl." The voice of the girl- no Kang Haerin rang out. Causing Minji to turn around to see the feline eyed girl staring at her. "Yes, Kang... Haerin. Sorry about the food, I was just hungry" Minji apologised, causing Haerin to giggle. "No need to apologise, it's just food." Haerin said as she looked up at Minji and stared at her mask. "Why do you wear a mask? Do you wear a mask to parties? Why did you choose that mask?" Haerin asked, bombarding Minji with multiple questions, it was as if it would never end, Minji sighed softly and bit her lip. "I... What?" Minji returned. Gosh this was so awkward. Minji thought as she played with her fingers. Minji saw Haerin squint her eyes, she had not really answered her question but at least she answered.

Minji let out a small smile at the sight, she thought this Haerin girl was cute. "Why are you smiling? Is there something wrong with my face?" Haerin asked, smiling together with Minji, but it was more of a confused smile than a happy one. While Minji was busy graping another piece of grape, Haerin seized this opportunity to lift up Minji's mask. With one quick step, she lifted up Minji's mask and took a small glimpse of Minji's face. She was shocked. She was shocked at how beautiful that mask girl was.

However their interaction would not last long as Hanni loud voice broke them out of their own little world. "Min! Heesung is searching for us! Let's go!" Hanni shouted, causing people to stare, as she ran over to Minji and grabbed Minji's wrist, dragging her out of the palace. Before getting dragged out, Minji spared Haerin one last glance before she disappeared into the crowd. Maybe in another time, they would meet without any disruptions.

Hello again. Just want to say that I might not update very often since my exams are close. But don't worry, in twelve days, I would be finally free. 🙏

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