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Author's POV:

Days slipped by quietly, and the world between Y/N and Jungkook existed primarily in the digital realm. Their friendship grew not through the typical long face-to-face conversations or shared moments during school hours, but through the constant ping of their phones. Every text they exchanged was like opening a new door, a chance to learn something small but significant about the other.

They talked about everything — their classes, their teachers, their families, and even the most mundane of things like what they had for dinner or the weather outside. But somehow, those ordinary conversations felt special. There was something comforting in knowing that the other person was always there, at the other end of the chat window, no matter how small or trivial the topic was.

Y/N started to realize that she was becoming more open with Jungkook. Despite never really talking in person at school, the comfort she found in texting him was undeniable. He was someone she could lean on, someone who wouldn't judge her. And although their conversations were mostly light, every message from Jungkook felt like another piece of him being offered to her. She liked that — having a small part of his world shared with her.

Y/N's POV:

It wasn't long before Y/N found herself talking about Jungkook to her close friends, although they never really knew who she was referring to. She would say things like, "Oh, my best friend told me about this song" or "My best friend recommended me this series," and her friends would nod, accepting her words without prying too much into who this mysterious best friend was.

One afternoon, as they sat under a tree during lunch break, Y/N was casually sharing a story about something funny Jungkook had told her the night before. Her friends were laughing when Sana, one of her classmates, suddenly interrupted the conversation.

"Oh, are you talking about Jungkook? Your best friend?"

Y/N felt herself freeze for a second. Her smile faltered, and she blinked in confusion. She wasn't sure why, but the question caught her off guard. Why did she feel strange admitting it? She cleared her throat awkwardly and nodded.


"Yeah... he is my best friend. How do you know?"

Sana flipped her hair over her shoulder with a smug grin on her face.

"Oh, I know everything."

Her tone was playful, but there was something sharp beneath it. Y/N shifted uncomfortably as Sana continued.

"Seriously though, he's your best friend? You couldn't find anyone else but him?"

Y/N frowned slightly, unsure why Sana's words were rubbing her the wrong way. Her fingers twitched as she held onto her notebook, and after a moment of silence, she asked the question that had been lingering in her mind.

"What do you mean by ~Why him?"

Sana leaned forward slightly, her eyes glinting with something like amusement.

"You know about his group, right? The bad boy gang he hangs around with? Do you really think he's a good choice for you?"

Y/N felt her stomach twist uncomfortably. She didn't know why Sana's words affected her so much, but they did. She wasn't sure what to say, so she decided to ignore the remark entirely. For the rest of the day, Y/N kept quiet, trying to brush off the unease that crept into her thoughts. She didn't need to explain her friendship with Jungkook to anyone, especially not to Sana.

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