Chapter 15~ A Moment of Care

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Yura had been upstairs, reading in the quiet of her room, trying to lose herself in a book when she heard the sound of the door creaking open downstairs. Her heart sank when she recognized Ru Shi’s voice, slurred and broken.

She hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to go down. But something inside her urged her to check on him. Despite everything, despite the hatred and the distance between them, he was still a human being. And she couldn’t ignore the sound of his pain.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw him lying on the couch, disheveled and pale. His eyes were red, tears streaking his face as he chuckled bitterly to himself.

Ru Shi looked up briefly as Yura approached but didn’t seem to register her presence fully. He mumbled incoherently before his body slumped forward, passing out from the exhaustion and alcohol.

Panic welled up in Yura’s chest. His skin felt clammy, and when she placed her hand on his forehead, she realized he was burning with a fever. Despite everything, despite the hurt and anger between them, she couldn’t just leave him like this.

She quickly fetched a cold cloth and some water, gently dabbing his forehead to bring down the fever. Her hands moved with care, almost instinctively, as she adjusted his position on the couch and placed a blanket over him.

As she worked, a strange mix of emotions swirled in her chest. She had told herself over and over that she hated him, that she would never forgive him for trapping her in this life. But seeing him like this—vulnerable, broken—something in her softened, if only for a moment.

Yura stood to leave, her task done, when suddenly, she felt Ru Shi’s hand wrap around her wrist. His grip was weak, but he held on tightly, murmuring softly in his sleep.

“Don’t go…” he whispered, his voice filled with a heartbreaking desperation. “Please, don’t leave me…”

Yura froze, her heart skipping a beat as she looked down at him. His face was peaceful, free of the pain that had clouded his features for so long. In his sleep, he looked almost innocent—like the man he had once been before everything had gone so wrong.

Against her better judgment, Yura didn’t pull away. Instead, she slowly sat down beside the couch, Ru Shi’s hand still holding hers. She rested her head on the edge of the cushion, her hair spilling over onto the bed.

The night stretched on, and Yura’s exhaustion caught up with her. Before she realized it, she had drifted off to sleep, her head resting on the couch, her hand still in Ru Shi’s.

The morning light filtered into the room as Ru Shi stirred awake. His head throbbed painfully, and his mouth was dry from the effects of the alcohol. But there was something else—something soft and warm beneath his hand.

Blinking slowly, he realized his hand was still clutching Yura’s. She was asleep beside him, her head resting on the couch, her long hair spread out across the pillow. For a moment, he didn’t move, afraid to break the quiet intimacy of the moment.

He stared at her, his heart swelling with emotions he had tried so hard to suppress. He didn’t deserve this—didn’t deserve her kindness or her care, but for just one moment, he allowed himself to believe that things could have been different. That maybe, in another life, they could have been happy together.

Yura stirred slightly, her eyelashes fluttering as she woke up. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise as she realized where she was and what had happened. For a moment, their eyes locked, and neither of them spoke.

Ru Shi’s grip on her hand loosened, and Yura slowly pulled away, standing up awkwardly. “You had a fever,” she said quietly, avoiding his gaze. “I couldn’t just leave you like that.”

Ru Shi swallowed hard, the words of gratitude stuck in his throat. He wanted to thank her, to tell her how much it meant to him that she had stayed by his side, but all he could manage was a soft, “Thank you.”

Yura nodded stiffly, stepping back from the couch. “I should go.”

Before Ru Shi could respond, she turned and walked away, her footsteps echoing through the silent mansion. He watched her disappear up the stairs, his heart heavy with the weight of everything that had been left unsaid.

And for the first time in a long time, Ru Shi allowed himself to hope—hope that maybe, just maybe, they could find a way back to each other.

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