Chapter 1: Bring It On

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Warning: This story contains strong languages, mature themes, and bold characters. If you're easily triggered or uncomfortable with explicit content proceed with caution or this may not be the story for you.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the sassiest, sexiest girl of them all?" I smirk at my reflection. "Oh, that's right—me." That girl Snow White? Yeah, she's cute and all, but let's be real—she's got nothing on me. While she's over there waiting for her Prince Charming, I'm out here being the queen of my own damn fairy tale.

I'm in my room, nailing this yoga pose like I was born for it. Ass high, hands stretched out in front, feet perfectly aligned behind me. A pose so on point, it's practically art. Every inch of me knows I'm doing it right—after all, no one bends quite like I do.

They say yoga's supposed to flush out all the toxic crap from your life, and honestly? That's exactly why I'm doing it right now. Tomorrow's my big day—first day of college—and there's no way I'm walking in there with any leftover high school drama clinging to me like last season's fashion. Nope. All that negativity? Gotta go. I release you, trash! I breathe out hard, like I'm blowing the last bit of BS right out of my system.

Anyway, after finishing my yoga session and ridding myself of all that negativity, it was time for something even more refreshing—a well-deserved shower. I hopped in, scrubbed away the day, then got dressed in my favorite crop top and jeans. Hair down, skin glowing—your girl was ready to go see her man.

I rushed downstairs, slipped out the door before one of my nosy family members could pounce, and jumped into my car. Finally, I pulled up to my boyfriend's house. His name's Dean, by the way. I let myself in, because, you know, I have a key. I strolled up to his room, feeling all cute and excited to see him, but the moment I opened the door, I swear my heart stopped.

There he was—Mr. Unhygienic—locking lips with the world's most pathetic, jealous wannabe—Kelay. I stood there, speechless. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing, but my mouth sure could.

"What the fuck is this?!" I practically screamed, holding myself back from going full Hulk-mode on the spot.

"Me taking your man," Kelay smirked, laughing like she just won some prize.

I blinked, walking straight up to her, "What did you just say?" My hands were already itching.

Dean grabbed my arm, "Lasey, chill out."

I shot him a look that could kill, and without even thinking, my hand flew across his face—hard. "Don't tell me to chill out, you cheater! How could you do this to me? And with... this?!"

Kelay had the nerve to chime in, "Who you calling 'this'?"

"Oh, sorry, I meant it," I shot back, staring Dean dead in the eyes, daring him to say something stupid. Then I yanked myself from his grip and lunged at Kelay. Hands? Feet? They connected flawlessly. I was getting her so good, Dean had to jump in and break us up. We were both breathing like we'd just run a marathon, but tears stung my eyes—tears I didn't even want to show—because how dare he cheat on me with that.

I shoved Dean, "How could you do this to me?"

He looked at me, stammering like the idiot he was. "It just happened, Lay... I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry."

I scoffed. "This is a sign. God's doing me a favor right now." I wiped my tears and squared up, feeling a surge of power. "It's over. You two losers can have each other. And guess what? I'm about to live my best fucking life. Screw both of y'all."

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