Chapter 8

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Yesterday, when Sabina returned, she explained that I had such a level of magic probably because her sister was putting up protection. And according to Sabine, she was much stronger than her or the members of the commission, who, by the way, turned out to be the elders of the New Orleans witch clan. It's good that Sabina is the head of this clan, otherwise I definitely wouldn't feel safe.

I was also thinking about what happened on the exam yesterday. The dragon, my fire dragon. I almost touched him. As soon as I returned from the academy, I tried to reconnect with him, but I couldn't.

Now I'm already standing in the rector's office, which, by the way, is decorated in bright colors, as a woman should be. Large windows with turquoise curtains, an oblong work desk made of high-quality wood, a small sofa with upholstered upholstery and shelves with various folders. Starting today, I have to live in a dormitory, and considering yesterday's rumors about the highborn, I will not get a separate room.

– Here's your schedule, – she handed me a small sheet. – Now go to the commandant, she will show you the room in which you will live. Your things are already there. Then go to the library, you will be provided with study books for the first year.

– All right, – I said dutifully.

– There are also a few rules at the academy that should be followed, – she continued meanwhile. – You can only do magic with teachers in the classroom or when doing homework. In any other cases, it is strictly forbidden to cast magic in the academy! To go to school strictly in academic form, to physical training – only in sportswear, which is provided by the academy. Lights out at ten. As for the scholarship, it is one hundred and ten dollars a month. With good academic performance, the monthly scholarship increases to five hundred.

I was, to put it mildly, outraged. One hundred and ten dollars? When was the last time they saw prices? You can't really live on them for a month. Although okay, my accommodation, along with meals, as well as tuition, have already been paid for. So the scholarship will be used for personal needs. Long live, damn it, poverty!

After a short briefing, I headed to the women's dormitory.

The ground floor was as bright as in the central building, only the stairs were slightly to the left. At the entrance, I was immediately greeted by an elderly woman at the counter. Her age-grayed hair was tied in a bun, her nose was hooked, and she had large glasses on her eyes. She was hunched over, reading a book. Behind her, I noticed a rather unremarkable, time-worn door. I wonder what's in there? Is it a storeroom or does she live there?

– Hello, I came to check into the hostel, – I said.

– Oh, – she looked up at me and smiled good–naturedly. – Hello, honey, welcome. Let's check if you're on our list, – and took out some papers. – What's your name?

– Sonya Andreyevna Kozhushko, – I said.

– Well, well... Yes, there is, – The woman said when she found my name. – So you're the rector's relative, – she said, not asking, but asserting. And without hiding it at all, she began to examine me. – Well, it's nice to finally meet you. Since yesterday, everyone has been talking about the fact that a relative of the rector will live and study with us. By the way, my name is Simone.

– It's a pleasure, Simone, – I liked this woman. She wasn't like the others. It was simple, without all these quirks, which I have already seen.

– Follow me, I'll show you everything here.

The woman came out from behind the counter, and I was a little taken aback. Simone was very short and looked more like a fairy-tale dwarf than a human.

Here on the ground floor on the left side there were shower rooms – three of them. There are five laundries on the right. Simone said that once a week, the adherents give her dirty clothes, which she washes and then takes them to their rooms already dry and clean. In addition, he changes the bed linen once a week and does a wet cleaning.

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