its so marcover

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it was a day like any other the snow was sunning and hyun was hyunning. then there was smelliot and the guy from the hit game red snmow, you know himn you love him, macus. he was ghoing tdown the road with his shotgun when he noticed a majn name djohn. "uh oh" marcus said, "thats john red snow, founder of red snopw" then marcus said hekllo john red snow do toyo want to go get a snadhwichj it will be really yuummy; john red snow said "aint not damian way im ghonna redsnovmunch that sandmwich with you" and then Macus said, "RAAAAAA" and kill;ed john red snow my eating him,. then jamrauc swnet down the road again and he said elea and said "you cant say red snow without marcus from the the hit game red snow" shje was so shcoked she wanet BOOOOOM!!M!M!M!M! then mardus kept walking and he saw a dog he was like wow thats a dog and i  think i dneed to kill it so he shot the dog and did some munching not on the dog of course alkls CRUISIONG ON DOWNM MAINSTREET FEELING LIFE AND FEEELIGGNGNG HGOOOOOD holy moly1 is that miss Rizzle! from the hit game red snow! wait thats maracus line!!?!?! what? where am I. Why is the snow yellow. What made it yellow. Wait. no please. it cant be, no red snow left, not even for me. This is so sad. WAnyways marcuys when th down the road again and realized he ahd been down the raod alot latley so he was like RAAAA and then he took his gunb and shoot damian. "OHHH NOO!O!O!! DAMIIAAOOOOON!!!"!":!""!"!"!"! martcus was filled with so mcush greif that he said "I could really use some apple juice and a sippy cup" so maracu went to the sippt ycup stoore and then he went to the sippy cupo store and then he went to the sippy cup stOre and then he bought a newe horese for him to ride into battle the kingihts of yellow  snow stood 10000 men strong but they were no m,atch fpor the power of good marcus nbut then evil marcus apperar inm his wizard hat and said "The snow is aBOUT TO GET YELLOW. ITS MARCOVER FOR YOU GOOD MNARCUS" but mar5cus said "YOU FORGOT ANOUT THE POWER OF FREINDDSHIPPP!" then ZOMBIE DAMIMAN APPEARSED AND DID ONE MILLION ATTACKS TRO THE BAD MARUCUS AND THE?N THE COOLEDST FIGHT AHPPEAN IN THE EVER !!!?!??!!? John the milk man was born in 1950. He liked to deliver milk to people. THEN MAR"CUS SUMMONED ALL OF THE SNOW AND TURENED ITTT REDDDDDD!!!!!!!! BNOOOM EXPLKOISIOIN YTRRAAAAAAAAA. This story 

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