Chapter 1 [T or D??]

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Screech and Figure walked to the cafeteria early in the morning to avoid other entitys, they didn't want to be disturbed by Rush or Ambush, for example, thou they wouldn't mind if Jack came around.

Screech helped Figure to find a table, Figure then down at a table in the empty cafeteria while Screech got the food, todays breakfast was grilled toast with cheeze, egg and bacon, and some orange juice.
"Pretty nice breakfast, isn't it?" Screech said to Figure while walking back with the food.
"I can't see, but yea it smells like eggs and bacon, and some grilled toast too maybe?" Figure guessed.
"It sure is" Screech laughed a bit and sat down.

After a while, Curious light and Seek came in the cafeteria, Seek looking kinda exited to see Figure.
Curious light laughed and draged Seek to the empty food line.
"So, what do you want?" Curious light asked
"Just give me whatever there is" Seek seemed unintrested in chosing food, she instead walked over to Figure and Screech.
"Hm? Seek?" Figure asked
"What do you want?" Screech sounded anoyed.
"Chill, why you so angry??" Seek half laughed
"Its great to see you Seek" Figure smiled and Seek laughed, because Figure can't see.
Figure smiled and was just about to ask if She waned to join their table, when Curious light decided to drag Seek away
"Cmon now Seek, we can sitt at this table" Curious light decided
"Aw cmon, why can't we spend some time with-" Seek tried to say
"Your Boyfriend?" Curious light asked
"Sigh" we'll just sitt here then.." Seek said.
She sat down, and Curious light sat down right after.

(Whith Eyes and Halt)

"Halt, wake up!" Eyes shaked Halt
"Wa-?" Halt said whithout even opening her eyes.
"wanna go to the cafeteria?" Eyes said
"No??..." Halt said, wanting to sleep more
"It wasn't a question" Eyes said and draged Halt to the cafeteria.
While walking to the cafeteria Eyes stoped and knocked on Curious light & Windows room, after about a minute, Window opend the door.
"Seek and Curious light is in the cafeteria already" Window said, still half asleap.
"Thanks! Then we dont neeed to go to Seeks room!" Eyes smiled and Halt was still half dead, you could hear her mummble a thx.
Window closed the door and Eyes hurried to the cafeteria, before Seek n Curious light left.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, they didn't see Seek or Curious light there, but Screech and Figure was there.
Halt walked up to the boys
"Hey where is Seek and Curious light?" She asked Screech, thinking that Figure wouldn't know.
"They went to the hangout place, thinking you guys were up early" Figure replied
"Thanks" Halt replied, thinking Figure heard their heartbeat fade away, or heard them talking about going there.

(With Seek and Curious light)

Seek and Curious light just entered the hangout place, it was like a backyard, whith brick walls surrounding them, it always smells like fresh air here and there is some weak lights hanging down on the walls, its a realy chill place.
"Ah! Fresh air!" Seek said while breathing in.
Curious light did the same.
They sat down on the green grass, and talked to eachother, waiting for another entity.
"Hopefully Eyes and Halt understand we're here, we could play a game together then!" Seek and smiled whith her eye
Curious light giggeld "thats a realy great idea! What game??"
"We should play Truth or Dare!" Seek suggested
"Sure" Curious light smiled.
And just some minutes after that conversation, Halt came through the door, waving to them both.
"What's up Halt?" Seek smiled
"The sky" Halt laughed and sat down.
Curious light slightly laughed but then looked around.
"Where's Eyes?" Curious light noticed she didn't come.
"Shes visiting another entity" Halt thought for a second.
"She didn't say who tho" Halt replied to herself.
"She is prob at her cousin" Curious light guessed.
"No way! Eyes hate her!" Both Halt and Seek said at the same time.
A "Bruh" finaly came out of Halts mouth.
"Shes prob visiting her friends that are boys" Halt started
"Well no shit sherlock, if shes not at widow, none of us, and shes not even friends whith Ambush or Rush, who else?" Seek facepalmed.
Right then Eyes came up to them and sat down. "Whatchu guys talking bout?"
Seek emidietly asked "who did you visit???"
"What?" Eyes looked half confused
"Who did you go to before comming here?" Halt looked at Eyes
"Just a friend"
"One off the boys??" Halt smirked
"Ye-" then Eyes realised
"Aw comon! Those are my friends, not boyfriend you idiot!"
"Well they're not right now-" Seek smirked
"Shut up and go n kiss Figure or smt" Eyes said irritated
"Sure" Seek said jokingly
"I just visited Figure, Screech and Jack" Eyes said and rolled all her eyes
"Hm?" Halt looked at Eyes suspiciously smirking.
"Shut the fuck up before I beat you up!"
Halt laughed.
"Anyways guys who wanna go bully someone?" Seek interrupted
"Bro what?" Curious light zoomed out whith her eyes.
"I'm in!" Both Halt and Eyes said.
Guiding light facepalmed and siged
"Ya'll are crazy"
Eyes draged Seek, Halt and Curious light to outside Screech room
"Lets throw a water baloon on him!"
Seek laughed at her own suggest.
"Nah lets go get Timothy and throw on him instead!!"Eyes smirked
"Great idea"

After a while: Eyes, Seek, Halt and Curious light have been walking through 43 doors and checked every single drawer for Thimothy, since he wasn't in his room.
Seek opend a drawer and Timothy jumped out on her face.
Seek didn't even move a muskle, she just stod there unfaced.
"Sorry I thought it was a player"
Timothy smiled guilty
Seek facepalmed
"Tf?" Timothy looked at Eyes, Halt and Curious light, confused.
Seek picked up Timothy and rushed back to the hallway whith everyones rooms.
The others folowed her.
"You ready?" Seek laughed and opend Screechs and Figures room silently, only Screech was inside, wich made it more funny.
"Tf?" Timothy wisperd
Seek threw Timothy on Screech and He yelled lighly in fear.
Seek laughed so hard she fell into the room and layed on the floor, still laughing.
Eyes fell on top off Seek and Halt fell on top off Eyes, all three was laughing.
Screech smiled slightly and giggeld.
"You sounded like Rush!" Eyes whezed like a bird.
Screech facepalmed.
"Ay now get outa here, Figure will be back soon" Screech tried to continue talking but Seek interrupted him.
"Where's Figure?"
Seek looked exited and not at the same time.
"Hes in the library, a player seemed to have surrpassed Seek" Screech smirked.
"Oh shut up Screech!" Seek scoffed
"Its not like you can do better" she smirks.
Screech smirked back and was abouta say smt"
"BRO CAN YA'LL SHUT THE FUCK UP?" Halt and Eyes said at the same time, then they looked at eachother and laughed.
"Same thought again?" Eyes smirked.
A minute later, she draged Seek, Halt and Curious light out the room.
"Okay lets leave him alone now-"
Eyes suggested

"Lets beat Figure to the ground!" Seek smiled
"Why thou?" Curious light asked
"So I can Duck him!" Seek smirked
"BRO WAT??" Eyes looked disturbed
"I'm kidding dumbass"
"Thank god-"
"Or am I?"

"I said nothing, common now!" Seek draged Eyes back to Screech and Figures room, Curious light and Halt folowed them and they waited outside.
Seek and Halt was leaning against the purple wall, Eyes and Curious light sat down on the light hardwood floor.

They waited for about 15 minutes before they heard heavy footsteps down the hallway.

When we saw Figure we were sure he knew we were here.
"Ugh I hate that Figure knows who we are on our heartbeats" Halt wisperd.
Figure was in front off us in no time
"I heard that" Figure said, quiet irritated
"Right, forgot you had super hearing too!!"
Whithout hessitating, Seek launched her body at Figure, making him almost fall, but he still stod up.
"Hey what was that for?" Figure slight frowned.
"Can I beat you down?" Seek asked and jumped up and down
"Cmmon girls, lets go somwere else" Eyes smirked and draged away Curious light and Halt, holding their arms.

While back in the cafeteria, Dupe came in.
Curious light said loudly
"Wut?" Halt asked
Eyes, Dupe and Halt looked at her.
"Seek and I said we where going to play Truth or Dare!" Curious light said
"When?" Eyes asked
"Before we threw Timothy on Screech!"
"Okay, lets just wait for some other girls" Eyes said, facepalmed and sighed.

(Time skip cus why not?)

Almost everyone was sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for the last few entitys.
"Hey its only Seek left, where tf is she?"
Eyes started
"Shes prob still making out whith Figure" Halt said jokingly
Seek was actualy on the way to the cafeteria right now, but she didn't hurry.
After a while, Seek finaly came into the cafeteria and everyone was bouta fall asleap.
"There you are!" Eyes sighed and pointed at the floor beside Halt, showing she could sitt down.
Seek sat down
"Why is every girl here??" Seek looked around, questioning.
"We're playing Truth or Dare."
Halt said
"Okay!" Seek said with an exited pitch voice.
[Half in the game]

"Tsk! That's easy!" Seek exclaimed
"Do it then" Halt replied
Seek walked out off the room and Eyes and Halt folowed her whithout her noticing.
Seek ran to door 50, and oped the door.
"Hey Figureee!" She said to the library, hopeing he was there.
"Hello?" Figure said from the other side off the room.
Seek rushed up to figure and kissed him, wich made him blush a bit.
Eyes and Halt stod and giggeld behind the door but Figure heard them.
And when they realised that, they stfu and ran back 2 doors, hiding behind the 48th door and waiting for Seek to come back.
Around 4 minutes later, someone opend the 50th door, some seconds later, they saw Seek and rushed in front off her and Halt laughed.
"What so funny?"
Seek looked confused
"Did you kiss him?" Halt said, smirking
"Yea? That was the Dare?"
Seek looked even more confused.
"Yea we saw that you did the dare" Eyes smirked
Seek kicked Eyes leg whithout hessitating
"Ow! Fuck you!" Eyes held her leg.
"Mh, yea we did spy on you 2 lovebirds"
Halt smirked
"Ugh I hate you 2"
Seek said and started to walk back to the cafeteria, she didn't wanna miss the rest off the game.

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