Chapter Eight: I Should Have Stayed Home

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Chapter Eight: I Should Have Stayed Home


4:26 p.m. Friday, August 8th


Sometimes I wish I was a cat. Nine lives, humans that wait on you all the time, warm snuggles and good scratches behind the ears? I'd adapt to that life perfectly.

But you can't always get what you wish for. And you can't always have nine lives.

"I'm gonna die, pull over!" I cried to Steven who was currently following all traffic laws, the loser. But with Riley riding him about driving, I don't exactly blame him.

"Pais, you're overreacting, just give us some time to get back downtown." Riley said, twisting awkwardly in her seat to look at me as I was sprawled out across the back seat. It wasn't comfortable, mind you. My head was kinked as it rested against the armrest of the rear passenger side door, and my legs were stretched up and arched onto the window.

I may be thin, but I'm long. (Ha, that's what HE said. I couldn't help myself.)

 Overall, I was incredibly uncomfortable, as well as feeling a tad sick from all the turns and blurring trees in the window. God, this sucks.

"I am so not overreacting. I'm gonna hurl. So Steven, unless you want a soiled back seat, PULL. THE. HELL. OVER." I demanded, my stomach churning again. I'm going to lose it. Anytime now.

The car jolted a little and I hastily untangled myself across the back seat and climbed out on all fours. My stomach heaved and my head ached. This was so awful.

I felt Riley standing behind me, rubbing my back soothingly. She was such a good friend.

As soon as I got my breathing under control, I nodded and began to stand up on my two feet. I was a little dizzy, and then decided I should probably just stick with sitting up straight and looking out the front window. There was a lot less tummy rolling that way.

"You gonna be all right?" Riley asked. I nodded and brushed a few stray pieces of hair out of my face. My palms were clammy and I was almost positive that my skin was white.

"Are you sure? You don't look so good." Riley said. I waved it off.

"Once I get some water, I'll be fine." I said. Riley nodded and I climbed back into the death trap. Otherwise known as a Steven's car. Today really just sucked.

"So as I was saying, I have a buddy in town that could probably help us." Steven said. I immediately perked up. Buddy? Steven has friends? I always had him pegged for a loner.

"Help us how?" Riley asked.

"Well, we need intel, right? As long as we can get a general idea as to where they are, we should be able to find their exact location and keep an eye on them. And then we can figure out what to do about the money." Steven said.

"Money, eh? We could just keep it..." I said. Riley gave me a look.

"Uh, no. That's not happening. We can't have a crime on our hands." Riley said. I waved her off.

"Psh. Juvie records are sealed until you're eighteen." I looked to Steven. "Sorry dude, you're out of luck." Steven gave me a look and Riley sighed.

"You guys are hopeless!" She cried. I snickered and Steven sent me a glare. I shrugged and waited for further conversation.

 "Anyway, we're going to mid town to meet him at his repair shop. He's a computer nerd that likes to work with cars." Steven seemed perplexed by that, but I was actually impressed. Math, technology, and cars were all things I sucked at.

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