Chapter 6

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Gaurav turned around and was left speechless. There, sitting on the ground in the garden, was Vihaan—eating grass.

“Oh, shit! He’s definitely drunk,” Gaurav muttered under his breath. Quickly, he said to Vidhi on the phone, “Baby, I’ll call you back in two minutes!”

“But wait, Gaurav—" Vidhi tried to stop him, but Gaurav had already hung up.

He rushed over to Vihaan. “Bro, what the hell are you doing?”

Vihaan looked up, giggling like a child. “Hehehe, I’m hungry.”

“What do you mean you’re hungry? You literally just ate dinner,” Gaurav reminded him, bewildered.

“Yeah, but I’m hungry now,” Vihaan insisted, continuing to nibble on the grass. “Move, let me eat!”

“No way, bro, you can’t eat this,” Gaurav said, pulling him away from the ground.

“Then what should I eat?” Vihaan asked, looking around like a lost puppy. Not finding anything else to eat, he began to pout, his eyes welling up with tears like a small child.

“Okay, okay! Don’t cry,” Gaurav said, panicking. “Come on, let’s go inside, and I’ll get you some food.” Just as he was about to lead Vihaan inside, his phone rang again—it was Vidhi.

He sighed and answered the call, “Hey, baby.”

“How could you hang up on me like that?” Vidhi asked, clearly upset.

“Sorry, baby. I was just, uh, handling something,” Gaurav explained, trying to sound casual.

Suddenly, Vihaan started singing loudly in the background, “4 bottle vodka, Kam mera Roz ka, 4 bottle vodka!”

Vidhi paused, clearly hearing the song. “Who’s singing that? Gaurav, tell me the truth—are you at a party? Are you drinking again? How many times have I told you—no parties, no drinks until the wedding! But you never listen to me!”

Gaurav panicked, quickly trying to calm her down. “No, baby! I swear, I’m not at a party. It’s just Vihaan—he’s not feeling well, so I’m taking him to his room.”

“Oh really?” Vidhi wasn’t buying it. “Then why is he singing that song?”

“Baby, it's just Vihaan. He’s... uh... not well. Do you want to talk to him? I’ll put him on the phone.” Gaurav quickly leaned over and whispered into Vihaan’s ear, “Listen, Vidhi’s on the phone. Just say exactly what I tell you, or we’re both dead.”

Vihaan, still swaying, smirked. “You’re such a coward.”

“Bro, you can make fun of me later. Just help me out now!”

“Fine,” Vihaan sighed.

Gaurav put the phone on speaker and handed it to Vihaan. “Here, talk to Vidhi.”

Vihaan took the phone. “Hello, baby...” he said, slurring the words.

“What?!” Vidhi exclaimed.

Gaurav’s heart sank. "Oh no, this is going to be a disaster."

“Uh, no! He said ‘hello, bhabhi’! Isn’t that right, Vihaan?” Gaurav cut in, desperately trying to salvage the situation.

Vihaan nodded. “Yeah, bhabhi...”

“But I swear I heard him say ‘baby,’” Vidhi insisted.

“No, no, baby, it’s just the bad network. Trust me, he said bhabhi,” Gaurav quickly explained, sweating nervously. "Phew, that was close."

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