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Wake up, freshen up, eat, and go to work, come back, freshen up, sleep and repeat.



Chapter one: The beginning

Everyone expresses life as full of surprises and unexpected happiness and stuffs, but from my point of view it feels as if life can show its worst side to some people. Even if you think you are lucky, you might be, but luck can jump from one person to another in just a fraction of a second.

I none the less feel happy and am excited about all the things that happen in my daily life. But just as any normal human being I wonder about the future ahead and also like them I face the consequences of the choices I make.

From birth life has been normal, and the use of the word 'normal' can be different in each individual. But for me it means boring, feeling of utter boredom. People feel this way if they already have a plan for life but don't meet their expectations as desired.


'Jess wake up, the bus will leave at 9 '

'Okay mom '

I got dressed fast and ran through the door. The outside world is the same day after day and everything goes without a change every day.

'Morning Jess '

'Morning Joanne '

I always reach work at around 10 and sit at my desk till 2, then have my lunch and sit on the same desk till 8.

People wonder if changes occur around them as it feels the same for a long time, but what people do not know is that we change the things and if we stay still it won't change.

'Hey jo, I am leaving now '

'Kay, bye '

'Bye '

Following the same routine feels neat and fun to hear but once we follow our way into the chain we feel trapped in a never ending cycle.

'Jess, the bus won't wait for you sleepy heads '

'I know mom '

'Good morning Jo '

'Morning Jess '

'I am leaving Jo '

'Wait I am done too '

When you grow tired of something you would think of stopping everything related to it but in my case, it feels as if this is what my life is destined to be like and this would never change so why try to be different when I can predict everything that is going to happen anyways.


Its Sunday today, and you may wonder what my destined life is on days without the tiring work. Well I have a billion hobbies and I choose what to do for the day a day before but I feel empty whenever I start and I just stop doing whatever and just lay down watching how others live their life as they want and just keep on wondering that's how life is for others. But what we see is not the real life they lead, I know that but still seeing how they at least pretend is fun as it is not even slightly close to the boring life I lead.

But today I felt something and I never thought that a change would occur if you just go in a different path than before.

'Mom, I am going to adopt a fish '

'A fish? Like an actual living fish or like what do you mean? '

'Mom chill, I just feel like it could be fun to feed the little thing once or twice a day '

'I guess having a fish in your everyday life ought to brighten up your routine '

Hearing my mom label my life like that actually made me feel a bit sad as I already know that my life is like that but hearing it from the only person I actually really talk to made me ache.

'I guess a little fish would be of a use in my boring life '

'Honey, I did not mean it like that, I '

'Forget it, don't wait for me, I will probably be back at dawn '


'Can I help you with anything, ma'am? '

'Yes, actually can I see the fishes that are more suitable for you know like just to feed and look at, nothing that is a trouble to look after? '

He showed me many varieties of fishes, like fishes with stripes, spots, long tails, small head, but none of what I saw made me want to buy it. But when I observed the kittens at the next aisle, a small black kitten with bright green eyes was just staring at me, while every other kitten was trying to buy my attention. I saw loneliness in her eyes and as I also shared the feeling I felt connected to it and instantly adopted it.

People say black cats are bad luck, but what if you already face bad luck and just a small being like a cat is of no change to your fate. Yet I feel like a cat can bring joy to a person and as a living thing, as caring for the poor little thing can affect the unseen humanity in a so called rude person.

Anyways, I named the cat luck, because I felt a change in my fate and a sense of luck in my decisions after.


'Luck come here '

It has been a week or so since I adopted Luck and so far I feel happy and felt my life change when each second passed by. But I felt as though my life is an unfinished puzzle and just some of my spaces are filled and now with Luck one more has been and feeling that many is soon to be filled too.

I needed a new foundation in which I can start a new life which is not as miserable as now.

And thus I decided to quit my job and take on a life with a job that will make me excited. But the thing is that I just don't know what it is that I want to do. People choose their career at a young age and as they grow it changes but to me I have never had a specific thing in mind other than just to grow up and start a family and have a peaceful life, but as I grew on life itself showed me to the job I now work at.

Now I have set up a new goal:

                                           Find out my path of interest and pursue it!


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