The call.

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Continuation of the last chapter:

Asa was in math class. She really hated it. She couldn't concentrate. She kept wondering, that she was really scared to tell Ruka that she'll be leaving the school soon. What would her reactions be? She kept wondering, when...

"Asa! Why aren't you paying attention in class?" asked her math teacher Mrs. Soo-yeon "Come and solve this math question on the board."

Asa went up to the board and had solved the question. And it turned out to be wrong..

"Next time try paying attention in my class!" said Mrs. Soo-yeon "You understand?!"

"Yes, Mrs. Soo-yeon!" replied Asa

"Good! Now go!" said Mrs. Soo-yeon

As Mrs. Soo-yeon started explaining the next question, the bell rang. It was break time. All the students cheered, and started leaving for the canteen.

Asa walked to the canteen, and sat near the table, alone. She started eating food, when she saw Ruka entering the canteen, and walked near her and sat next to her.

"Hi, Asa!" said Ruka "How was math class?"

"Good." replied Asa

"Asa, you seem a little off? What happened?" asked Ruka "Anything at home?"

Asa heart dropped, how did she know I'm feeling off? Should I tell unnie? I don't think I should ruin her mood.

"Nothing, unnie! I'm fine." replied Asa

"You sure? You seem really off since the morning.." said Ruka "You know I'm here if you need help, ok?"

"Thanks, unnie. It's really nothing." replied Asa

"Ok.. But I'm here for you. Always. Remember that." said Ruka

"Yeah, I know unnie.." said Asa

The bell rang. Asa had to head of to english class, and Ruka had math class. They both left the canteen and waved eachother goodbye.

Asa walked to english class.


A few periods after, the bell rang. It was finally home time.. 

Asa was walking down the hallways to the exit, when she noticed Ruka running towards her..

"Hi, unnie." said Asa

"Hi! Finally I saw you!" replied Ruka "You were almost going to leave me. Did you forget about me?"

"No, unnie. Why would I forget you?" said Asa

"Ok, can I call you today evening?" asked Ruka

"Sure, unnie." replied Asa

"Ok, then. I need to go! I'll see you later, bye! Take care!" said Ruka

"Ok, unnie. Bye." replied Asa and left 

Asa started getting thoughts in her mind. Should I really inform unnie about it? What will she say? Will she try breaking friendships with me?

Asa reached her house. She went inside, finding her mom who had arrived home early today.

"Hi, mom. Why did you come early today?" asked Asa

"I didn't come early.." said Asa's mom

"Then? What?" asked Asa

"I actually resigned from my job. We're leaving in like a month and I really need to get things done in the house." said her mom "How will I manage work and the house chores at the same time? That too before moving?"

"Oh, ok.." replied Asa

She ran upstairs to her room. She changed into her casual wear and finished all her chores around the house. 

 She had tuition today so she would normally go there at 6 and come back at 7:30 in the evening. She had left early today, because she had finished all her chores early.


After a few hours when Asa had left, her mom got a call from Ruka.

"Hi!" said Ruka

"Hi, dear!" replied Asa's mom

"Oh, hi auntie! Is asa there? I just want to talk to her. Can you give her the phone?" asked Ruka

"Sorry dear, she left for tuition an hour ago. She'll be coming now. But, what happened? Why did you want to talk to her?" asked her mom

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask her why she was so off today at school. Is she fine, auntie?" asked Ruka

"Maybe she's trying to adjust to the changes occuring to her lately. We're moving next month  to USA. So, maybe she's just too dissapointed to leave all her memories and her bestfriends." replied her mom

At that exact moment, Asa had returned from tuition. She had heard everything her mom was talking about..

"MOM! Why did you tell her? I was going to tell her myself you know?" said Asa

"Uhh, auntie.. I need to go. Bye.." said Ruka and cut the call


Next day at school: During home time

Ruka had yet again, seen Asa walking along the hallways alone. She approached her, and started talking to her.

"Uhh, hi Asa.." said Ruka "I heard everything yesterday night."


"Asa, I hate to see you cry. You're not a bad best friend, as you think. Just because you hid something from me, doesn't mean you're a bad best friend," replied Ruka

Ruka calmed Asa down. 

"I'm really sorry unnie!" said Asa still crying

"It's fine, Asa. We'll spend our time together more, okay? Now please stop crying, okay?" replied Ruka

"Okay, unnie." said Asa

"I don't want to see you cry at early morning. Try cheering up. Changes happen, and we'll not forget about our dream okay? You'll audition and I audition too. But, the only thing is that we can't do it together. But, I'm sure our friendship will still remain strong despite any challenges. We'll face them somehow, okay?" said Ruka

"Thanks, unnie! I'll never forget you. I'll love you forever, unnie!" replied Asa who had finally stopped crying

"I'll never forget you too. I love you more!" said Ruka


Hi, everyone!
Hope you liked this chapter! Comment and tell me how you feel about it!

Also, how are you all? Hope you're all doing good! Make sure to take care of yourselves.

I'll meet you all in the next chapter, until then byeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

~Author :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2024 ⏰

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