The Calm Before The Storm

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I sit on my knees in the grass in front of me is a hole in the ground, in my hands is a flower. A yellow one, like flowey but, not alive. Ever since we were freed from the underground, I've always had a habit of coming back to my old home every now and again. After all anyone can freely pass through the underground and the overworks now.

Anytime I come here I always try to look for flowey, but I haven't found him yet. I think he's hiding from me... Is he scared to face me? Why? Ever since the other timeline went south, I've taken a mind over matter approach to life, I've changed a lot since my days as classic Sans, I wonder if flowey has changed too. Maybe he's ashamed of who he once was? Maybe that's why he's hiding from me. Or maybe he's not hiding, maybe I just haven't been looking good enough. Suddenly I hear footsteps walk over to me.

"Geno?" I look up, it's frisk my good friend she said she'd come with me to the underground today if I let her bring a friend. Her friend's name is Chara. I don't know why, but I always feel weary and unsafe whenever Chara is around, even though I barely know her, I don't like being around her much, though I try not to let it show around Frisk, I don't want to upset her, especially since after the last timeline, she's been a lot more nervous about stuff, she makes me worry about her.

"Yes? Is there something you need?" I get up off the ground and sweep my hands together to get the soil and dirt off, there's still large patches of soil stuck to my knees.

"Yeah, Chara said she wanted to invite some of our old friends here so we could have a get together later, she wants to throw a party but, she wants to know if you have any decorations? She's got everything else under control." I think for a moment trying to recall if I have any still in my old house. No one lives at the underground besides flowey so the house is still technically mine and I use it for storage.

"Um, I don't think so, but I could go to the overworld and but some, what all does she need?"

"Uh, she said to get streamers, balloons, and also she asked if you could get us a table cloth? She doesn't like the color of the one she has but she says it's not too big of a deal if you can't find a different one. She said she'd like a green one."

"Uh, yeah I can look for those. That's not many decorations though is it?"

"That's all she said to get, she might be bringing her own as well? Or maybe it'll be more of an activity thing? I don't know."

"Well, I'll definitely get those, but can I do it later? I'm gardening right now."

"Oh yeah of course, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you." She hustles quickly back to my house, where I can see Chara staring at us through my open window. Loads of junk on the floor behind her. I get a chill down my spine looking at it. I sigh and kneel back down. I feel bad for Frisk, she's a nice person but she's so much more on edge, especially being back down here, she hasn't been in the underground since she first fell down.

She probably feels a lot of discomfort and I can tell by her tone of voice, her shaky voice and fidgety hand movements. It's probably cause of the other timeline... I pick up the flower plant and continue to garden. After a while people start to arrive at my house, longtime friends, but I don't really pay no mind for a while until I plant the last flower.

I get up and dust off my knees, then walk into the house, there's a lot of people there, people talking. Then I look around and the walls and get a nervous feeling.

"You told him to buy the decorations right?"

"Yes. I promise."

"Then where are they?"

"Oh sorry guys." I walk into the A B conversation between Chara and Frisk.

"I must have lost track of time. I can run to the overworld and buy some real quick before anyone else gets here."

"Yeah could you do that? Thanks." Chara says, sort of defeatedly. I open the front door to leave, then look back, Frisk and Chara are already talking about something else but they're glancing at me. I still don't know how to feel about Chara. I don't really know her, but I still feel weird being around her. I leave and shut the door behind me.

The shopping trip was a blur, I didn't really remember much of what happened, all I remembered was that it took me a bit longer than I had hoped, there was a huge line of people at the store, stretching all around the store. I finally got the party supplies and rushed back home as soon as possible. But that's when my worst nightmare came true, not even a nightmare, this isn't something I could've even thought of or comprehended coming to me.

I knew the existence of other au's for awhile, I didn't know how to travel to other au's, and I didn't really wanna interact with alternate versions of myself, I always had a feat that I'd meet someone who brought out the worst in me, and would make me hate myself, more then I already did. So something like this to happen, to me of all people was beyond my comprehension.

I didn't even understand what I was looking at at first. I thought they were fireworks...

Gaster blasters, giant ones, above the sky, lasers raining down on the underground. I dropped the bag and ran into my house managing to avoid the gaster blasters, all my friends were outside now, running around in a panic. I swung the door open, and ran upstairs I found my door shut and barricaded. Someone was in there, maybe someone who needed help. I pounded the door open, there was Chara, she seemed horrified, she didn't even seem to realize it was me, she held a knife out at me.

"Chara, it's me! Calm down." She was breathing heavily.

"Don't come near me!" She screamed, I tried to walk closer to help her up so we could run, even if I felt weird about her, I wouldn't leave her here to die. But suddenly,with a fell swoop she pulled the blade down to her chest and blood when spewing out. She fell on the ground lifeless, a pool of blood spilling out her stomach as she lay on top of it.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and my fight or flight responses started to kick in, without thinking I ran back out of the house, the scariest thing was leaving my house, I knew that whoever was doing this would find me, so my only chance was to get to the overworld. I didn't even know what I'd do next. I got up the courage and ran out the door as fast as possible, behind me I heard lasers, and they got closer as I ran, I thought this was it.

My life was over, just as I got to the exit a laster his my face and I fell down to the ground. I was in pain as I tried to get back into my feet but only managed my knees, I looked up at what was behind me, every I ever loved, my brother even, were dead on the ground outside my house. I heard footsteps behind me, it must have been the killer, the person who killed my family and friends.

I couldn't run, my feet were weak and bruised. I held my hands over my head tightly waiting for an impact, on the ground, a shadow, a shadow of a sythe lay before me, it was about to strike and I squeezed my eyes shut for the impact. But it never came, after a few seconds I opened my eyes, the anticipation killing me. Then, the shadow disappeared, as if they lowered their weapon.

"Hm, you're a neat little thing aren't you?" He said in a low gravely voice. I didn't respond, but I felt a hand, no not a hand, a sleeve with a hand under it, pull on my wrist, pulling me up.

I was forced to face my killer. I couldn't see his face, he had a black cloak that went to his face, a hood covering his face in shadow.

"Hm, I could kill you right now... But, you seem, a bit capable compared to the other sanses I've killed. Able to outrun me like that. Maybe I should, take you as a trophy." I didn't know what to say so I didn't speak. He pulled me alongside him through a portal, to another dimension. That was the last I ever saw of my universe...

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