🐺🔞(Omegaverse)28. (P2) Hot and Heat

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*Ishan's POV*

"Good night,  Baby"

had he just called me Baby? Oh my god, I might as well melt in his arms... his voice makes it impossible not to think about it. My body and my soul felt so happy that I couldn't help but giggle awkwardly in the process of trying to hide one.

But thankfully he never said anything about it. 


"My Ishu.. My Omega... Hmm... My Baby... Oh Baby!..."

I was woken up from my sleep by some noises, and realised it was Shubman calling my name. 

He didn't reply. 
"Hmm.. Baby.... Yes yes so many pups... hmm... pregnant...  Baby"
"Shubi?" I called out again, a little quieter this time. 

"Omega... Baby... heating?"

I giggled, not awkwardly this time. He was dreaming
Oh ho, my Alpha can be a cutie in his sleep. But what was he dreaming of?

"Shubii.. Shub- Shubi wake up pleassseeee"
"Shubi... Wake up"

I blushed at that as he spoke wirh a rough voice and messy hair.
"I- I- wh-what were you talking about in your dream? You woke me up"
"*Chuckles* so you woke me up too?"

I nodded and snuggled into his chest, placing a kiss as he caressed my hair and kissed my forehead too.
"My Baby..."

I giggled again. Omg I can't believe I'm so blushy when he calls me just a simple nick name... But it's not anything simple with him.. it's special.

"Aw Babyyy... You're so blushy when I call you that, hm?... Do you really wanna know what I was dreaming of?"

I nodded and he smiled, hugging me into his side.
"I dreamt of you... My Baby... And I made you pregnant... And your belly was swollen with my little pups"
"*Giggles* Shubiii... That's such a perverted dream."
"No, I'm an alpha... And you're my omega. I'm very well allowed to make you pregnant... Of course, if you want it"
"You knotted me, Shubi... What if I do get pregnant?"
"Then, I'm sure we'll have the most beautiful kids"

I nodded and he wrapped his arm securely around me.
"Now, stay with me okay?"
"Hmm... Can I lay over you?"
"You can do whatever you want to"

"Shubi..." I said softly, drawing circles over his chest, next to where I had kept an ear.
"Hm?" He hummed. His voice sounded and eyes looked sleepy, but he still smiled. The hum rumbling in his chest so boldly.
"I really like you... Because you're always so calm with me"
"I really like you too, Baby... Because you're always so sweet"
"...I think I really love you too, Alpha"
"I know I really love you too, Baby..."


"Baby.. it's morning... Shall we leave now?"
"Hmmmm... Alpha?"
"Good morning, Baby... Are you hungry?"
"I'll order some food, hm?"

And I then sat in bed, listening to the distant chirping of birds as Shubman put on a shirt.

"I'm going outside to bring your food, hm? Onl-"
"I know Shubi... I'll only open the door when it's you"
He smiled and kissed my forehead before leaving.

Till he was out, I decided to go through my phone and saw Jaddu bhai's missed calls.
Worried, I called him back.

"Ishan... Tu kahan hai? Why didn't you pick up?"
"Bhaiya- vo- um- main-"
"Tu safe hai na?"
"Yes Bhaiya, that I am"
"...Accha Ishu.. by any chance, have you seen Shubman? He ran off yesterday and hasn't come back, nor contacted any of us... You're his best friend, maybe he has told you?... Last night, I got a phone call from Harry, and I lied to him that I was the one who wanted to know about the room numbers, and lied to Rohit that I had some important work to get done so I sent him"
"....I- um- does Harry bhaiya know?"
"No... Is he with you?"
"N-not right no"
"Okay... *Sighs*.. tell me if you find him"

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