Chapter 1: Death

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No one truly knows a person. Someone could tell you all about their life but you wouldn't really know. Right? No one truly knows my story. Also because everyone around me dies. That could be the main reason.
Growing up I spent most of my life being alone. Yes....... I had my father and my grandparents but I couldn't play with anyone my age growing up.
For some dumbass reason my father wouldn't allow it. He'd always tell me that people were just cruel, lying beings. What could you say to that at only 7 years old? Nothing. I just listened to everything I was told.
I did my own laundry, dishes, and even feed myself. What was worse was....I was homeschooled. Hardly any contact to the outside world. My father was too damn strict. All I really had to the outside world was just movies and TV shows.
I can remember when I was very young, I got into this incident at my Kindergarten class. All I can remember was this girl cut my hair, and I kept hitting her after that. Over and over.
My dad pulled me out of school ever since that happened.
I was 4.
Now....I am 18 and my father is dead. So is my grandparents. Apparently they were mauled to death by a bear or something one night. I was home. Alone again.
I was used to that. Being home alone. They would leave some nights and wouldn't return till the next morning. There wasn't any point in asking where they were. They'd never tell me and I hated that.
Now that they're gone...I don't have to listen anymore. After watching multiple shows I've decided that I want to try for college. Oh! Or maybe even get a job somewhere!
Wait.....I haven't even attended the funeral yet and I'm already talking about my future...damn. I feel like I should care more but I don't. I can't let myself care. It'll only ruin me.

As I finish getting myself ready for the funeral, I head downstairs. My house is huge not to brag. To think I'm always here alone. That ends today.
-Ring ring-
My doorbell! Who the fuck could that be?
When I open the door, there he is.
Who is he? His eyes are hazel...curly brown hair, and his arms are covered in tattoos! Shit dude!
"Uh-Oh-Sorry....I must got the wrong house...I'm uh-looking for Midna Lock?" he says quietly.
My eyes pierce into his. Hmmm.
"...and why is that?" I snap.
He jumps back and his eyes widen, "Uhhh! I'm here for the funeral. I was told to come to this address for Midna Lock, the daughter" he says as his voice shakes.
My head jerks back. What?!
"You knew my father?" I say.
"Oh my're Midna?" he says all confused.
"I'm that a problem or something?!" I snap.
He immediately waves his hands back and forth, "No no! I was just expecting someone younger is all!" he says calmly.
"Anyways dude, so you knew my father? How?" I say calmly.
"Well he was very close with my dad. They used to go hunting together a lot. That's how I met him" he says.
I nod my head. I know this kid?
" old are you? And what's your name?!" I shout.
"My names Kai and I'm 22 years old" he says softly.
"Kai? Sounds familiar but not really...." I say quietly.
He chuckles, "I wouldn't expect you too. It's been like 15 years since the last we were ever together" he says.
Kai? Why can't I remember..?
As I slowly zone out he calls my name. I immediately look up.
"You okay?" he says softly.
"Yes of course. I'm always okay" I reply back.
He grins and takes a step back, "So are you ready? I'm here to take you to this funeral. Those are your dad's orders" he says softly.
I roll my eyes. Of course. More orders from my dad.
"and how are we getting there? Bus or cab?" I snap.
"Follow me..." he says.
All I can do is follow. Can't say I trust him but if he tries something he's dead. My dad showed me lots of moves so I'm NOT worried.
I walk out and lock the door behind, putting the key into my back pocket. As we walk to the side walk, I see a truck parked on the curb. "There she is.." he says softly.
"Nice" I say sarcastically.
"What?!? It took me so long to get that car!!" he whines.
I immediately laugh after that. As we get closer to the truck, Kai runs to open my door.
I've seen this happen in movies...I think that's a good thing.
When I climb inside, he walks to the other side and hops in.

The drive is mostly quiet. I just can't help but to look around and enjoy the view. It's so...much. People playing. It's beautiful. Way better than the movies.
Can't help but notice that smell...
"hey..dude...what's with that smell? Smells wet.." I snap.
He hesitates for a moment.
"Hello? Kai?" I say once more.
"Oh! That's my dog Jr. He's always jumping in here.." he says calmly.
A dog huh? In the shows they seem a bit aggravating. I believe it.

"and here we are. The church.." he says quietly. It's big. Looks pretty old too.
As I reach for the door, he reaches for my hand and stops it. I turn over and his face is right in mine.
I immediately jump back, "Damn what the fuck man?!?" I snap.
I reach for the door handle again and jump out.
"Asshole" I whisper.
Kai quickly gets out the truck and tries following me, "Wait no! You've got the wrong idea!" he quickly shrieks.
"No I've seen this plenty of times okay! I'm going on my own. Just leave me alone" I snap. Kai stops and lets me go. Surprisingly he doesn't follow which is good for me.

When I walk into the church, I see three caskets up ahead. This is real shit.
They're actually dead.
I decide to sit in the back right corner away from everyone. Funerals aren't my thing. They always seem so sad and depressing in the movies.

"Good evening everyone!" The pastor shouts, "Please take your seats." The church doors close and everyone sits down.
"We are here today to lay these three kind souls to rest...." his voices starts to shake, "They will truly be missed..."
Oh my we go.
As the pastor keeps talking, I look around. Not many people. Some of these people look like they've been to this kind of thing before. Yikes.
When I look towards the left side, I notice Kai looking ahead. Kai then glances over at me and I quickly jerk forward.
Oh shit oh shit oh shit! He saw me looking!! Kill me now!
"—would anyone like to say any words?" The pastor shouts.
It's quiet.
"I would.." Kai shouts out.
As he walks to the front he gently smiles at everyone.
"These people were some of the best people I've ever known. Even though we can't see them I always like to say that they're still here with us...It's sad to say that they'll no longer be with us...but I made a promise to them that I will protect what they left behind..I intend on keeping that promise...thank you" he says into the mic.
What they left behind? Is that me? People clap and Kai walks back to his seat. As I watch him, he glances at me once more.
What the fuck....
"If that will be all we will allow their loved ones to come say goodbye..thank you" the pastor shouts gently. People get up to say their goodbyes and I stay in my seat. Goodbye huh? Not my style.
I quickly get up and run out. Fuck this shit! Why should I care? All they've done is shielded me away from the world! Kept me locked up like I'm some wild animal! I'm not an animal. I could be so much more...

"Hey wait up!" Kai shouts from behind.
"Please dude! Just leave me alone!" I shout back.
"So you're just gonna walk back home? It's pretty far" he replies.
I immediately stop and slowly turn around. He grins softly.
"Shut up! Just take me home" I snap.
He keeps grinning and walks to my door. "and NO more of that! I can open my own car door!" I snap.
He walks back with his hands up in the air, and hops in.
The ride is quiet all up until we get to my house. As soon as the truck stops I get out. Kai rolls his window down as I walk off and shout, "My number is in the mailbox if you need anything" he shouts. Before driving away.
Wait what?!? The mailbox? When the hell did he put it there? Whatever. I get to the door and reach in the mailbox and it's there. His phone number. Ugh.
After grabbing the key out of my pocket, I unlock the door and walk in.
"Home sweet home!" I shout out. Nothing as always.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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