Welcome to the beginning of Tales of Untold. This series starts with "Sevgilim & Hayalim," a story that delves into the complexity of a love triangle intertwined with darker, more profound elements. While the series is planned as seven books, we might extend it to eight if necessary.This book is more than a love story; it explores themes of pain, secrets, and some supernatural occurrences forming the root of the Tales of Untold. It is a journey into darker realms, with brutal imagery, questionable actions, betrayal, and often deaths, that may not be for everyone. And if you are sensitive to such content, we urge you to pause.
We have written this series with deep love and it is a part of us. If you decide to accompany us on this journey, we hope you enjoy diving into it. Into the world of Tales of Untold.
Thank you for your support and for exploring Tales of Untold with us.
With heartfelt gratitude,
(One more thing, we are already sorry for the deaths further in Tales of Untold that may traumatise you because they had already traumatised us, the writers.)
Sevgilim & Hayalim
Любовные романыHe wasn't just a stalker; he was someone she had least expected him to be-both her greatest danger and her fiercest protector. He was Veilwalker. She wasn't just an obsession; she was someone who stole his heart and soul, and he would claim hers as...