Chapter 10 Vlad Vasiliev

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The first slap caught me off guard, sharp and sudden, causing my head to snap to the side. The sting of it rippled across my cheek, and the taste of blood filled my mouth as I bit down on my lip. I reached up instinctively, rubbing the tender skin where her hand had struck, but before I could say a word, another blow followed.

"That's for hurting him!" Katya shouted, her voice trembling with anger.

I didn't move. I didn't speak. I simply sat at the edge of my bed, still and emotionless, knowing deep down that I probably deserved it. Ometz had come into my room with the intent to strike first, but I hadn't held back. I hadn't even tried.

"And this," she hissed, her voice catching in her throat as she slapped me again, harder this time. My head snapped to the side, the force of it making my vision blur for a moment. "This one's for nearly drowning him."

I stayed silent, though my jaw tightened, the muscles in my face flexing as I bit back the urge to lash out, to defend myself. My cheek throbbed with the heat of her anger, and still, I didn't move. I let her release her fury on me, let her anger pour out in waves, because what else could I do? She was right to be angry. She didn't know the half of it, but in her eyes, I had crossed a line.

Katya drew in a ragged breath, trying to steady herself, but her eyes were still ablaze with fury and hurt. Her ocean-blue eyes, once filled with warmth and love, now held only stormy clouds of emotion, a tempest that threatened to spill over.

"And this one..." she said, her voice quivering as she raised her hand once more, but this time it shook slightly, her fingers curling inward for a moment as if she was trying to stop herself. Her hand came down hard again, the final slap searing through my already throbbing cheek. "This one's for messing with my mind."

I blinked, forcing myself to meet her gaze. Her face was flushed, her chest rising and falling with the effort of holding back her tears. I wanted to say something, anything, to wipe the pain from her face, but what could I say? I probably did deserve that last slap most of all. I had been planting seeds in her mind, doubting Ometz's intentions, twisting her trust, hoping she'd see reason. Hoping she'd see through the lies. But all she saw was betrayal, and I hated that it had come to this.

Her eyes bore into mine, searching, waiting for me to speak, but I just sat there, silent, emotionless. If she looked closely enough, she would see the cracks—see that I wasn't as composed as I seemed. But she was too angry to notice. Too hurt.

"Why, Vlad? Why did you do that?" Her voice wavered, and she looked over her shoulder, as if making sure no one was watching, no one was listening. She wasn't supposed to be here, and we both knew it. The king had forbidden her from seeing me, her own brother. It was almost laughable. But I didn't laugh. There was no joy in any of this.

"Because he threw the first punch," I replied quietly, my voice defensive, my cheek still stinging from her blows.

"Don't you dare," she shot back, her voice rising again. "You know he didn't stand a chance against you. You know he's weaker."

I could hear the bitterness in her voice, the protective way she spoke of him, and it made my chest tighten. She still loved him, even after everything. Even after she had come here to confront me. The irony of it all nearly made me laugh, but I kept my composure, my hands idly playing with the cufflinks of my red tailored suit, the one emblazoned with the Avernia emblem on the back. The one she had requested to be made for me.

"You talk so poorly about the king," I said, my voice calm, almost mocking. "Especially for someone you claim to love."

Her eyes flashed with something—hurt, anger, maybe both. She took a step back, shaking her head. "Vlad, this isn't about that."

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