Chapter 1: the Halloween Ball

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Year One, she wrote in her journal.

We just left the station and are on the Hogwarts Express, bound for our first year at Hogwarts. I am sitting next to my cousin Albus Severus Potter, son of legendary Wizarding War heroes, Harry Potter and Ginny Potter.

"What're you writing there?" Albus asked, "a diary?" 

"No, and for your information it will be a very detailed study of my time at Hogwarts."

"Sure it is..." he replied.

The doors to their compartment slide open. Standing in the doorway is a young boy with platinum blonde hair and piercing gray eyes. He stares down the inhabitants, but then smiles gently.

"Is there room to sit in here?" the boy asks politely.
"Perhaps. Who's asking?" I respond almost immediately.

"Scorpius Malfoy."

I fight back the urge to either cringe at the name, or right then and there, knee him in the groin and shove him out of the compartment. Instead, I share a glance with my cousin after he invites him in. 

Scorpius Malfoy. The only student who my dad warned me about. Out of how many people who attend Hogwarts?

Scorpius sits next to me, much to my surprise. I was almost certain he would sit next to Albus, being the other guy in the cabi-

"Are you writing about me?" asked Scorpius, peering over my shoulder.
"Maybe a little" I responded simply, pulling the book away from his view.

We three played a little 'get-to-know-you-because-you-obviously-aren't-what-my-parents-described-you-as' after that. It turns out that we only had the obstacle of our parents in the way of our friendship. We played some Exploding Snap as well.

 I hope I'm in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. I really don't want to be in Slytherin, but Albus said that Uncle Harry said that it takes your opinion into account.


I'm in my dorm right now. The first year girls that I'm with seem pretty friendly. Albus and I got sorted into Gryffindor, but Scorpius was sorted into Slytherin.

This place is so amazing! No wonder my family loved it. I have a feeling that the stairs are going to confuse me for a while, though.

I decided to go to sleep. I had nothing better to do.

September 28

Potions is easily my worst subject, but at least my partner is Scorpius. We sit in about the middle of the class, and he helps me out because half of the time, I don't know what I'm doing! This month went by in great speed. I got used to the school in about a fortnight, but the doors that disappear still confuse me.

October 17

It's almost Halloween! I hear the holidays here are very extravagant. This morning, Headmistress McGonagall made an announcement that there would be a Halloween dance and that people should start asking around. I haven't been asked yet, but the announcement was only this morning. I'm going to write a letter home asking Mum for my fancy dress.

October 26

I'm walking to Potions with Scorpius Malfoy. We are talking about Quidditch. Abruptly, he turns the wrong direction.

"Where are we going?"
"You'll see" say Scorpius mysteriously.
"We're going to be late for potions!"
"Drongs is usually on my side. We can get out of it."

He takes us down to the shores of the lake. He turns toward me.

"I- I know this isn't very extravagant but, will you accompany me to the Halloween dance?"

I was not expecting that.

"Yes, I think I will" I say brightly.

He hugged me. I was just standing there for a second, and then I hugged back.

It was very romantic. Just the two of us by the lake. We sat down by a tree and watched the Giant Squid do about as much as we were. I decided to take a risk. I held his hand. Our fingers laced together as if they were meant to fit like a puzzle. We sat like that for about 5 minutes. Then I remembered Potions.

"Oh, we should probably get back to Potions."
"Oh, yeah."

While we were walking back, I internally screamed. Around early October, I realized that I had a crush on him. When the headmistress made the announcement, I hoped he would ask me. I doubted it. He was quite the flirt in the First Years.

It was very awkward walking into Potions late. We sat in the back in our usual spot, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Albus giving me the death stare. I ignored him as we tried to catch up with our Memory potion.

October 31

The dance is tonight. It starts at 8. I'm studying in the library with Scorpius. It is 3. Our hands are interlaced.

"Um, Scorpius, I'm going to go up to my dorm. To get ready."
"Oh okay. Though it's hard for you to get more stunning than you already are."
"Aww you're so sweet."

I run up to my dorm with pure excitement. I pull out my dress and it's as beautiful as I remembered it. I start with my hair. I pull it up into a tight bun, much like my mum's for the Yule Ball in her fourth year. I put just a touch of make up, but not much because I can't stand it. It was finally 7 when I heard my friend Eve call for me. She told me that the hottie of my boyfriend was waiting outside the portrait hole for me. I told her that we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, that she should bug off because he is my territory. I found him waiting by the fat lady who was chiding him for being a Slytherin.

"Shall we go?" He asked, stretching out his hand.
"We shall."

We walked out to the hallway leading to the Great Hall, where many anxious couples were waiting. Finally at 8 o'clock sharp, the doors opened. The hall was beautifully decorated with Halloween decor. We sat at our table with Albus and his date. When the dancing started, Scorpius asked me to a dance, a romantic dance.

It was quite lovely. It seemed as if the world melted away and it was just us two. But then I heard footsteps.
It was my cousin James.

"What do you think you are doing with my cousin?"
"Um... Dancing?" Scorpius answered hopefully.
"Oh, I don't think so," he then turned to me," Rose there is no way you are going out with a Malfoy."

And with that he dragged me away, much to my dislike.

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