A Test of Submission

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The chill in the room didn't come from the cool morning air. It came from the oppressive atmosphere, from the weight of the knowledge that today, Y/N would no longer be the same. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling above her, the events of the previous night still hanging over her like a thick fog. Every beat of her heart was laced with the dread of what Jungkook had in store for her. The word submission echoed in her mind like a dark mantra, a constant reminder of the life she now lived.

The soft knock on the door startled her, and for a moment, she was frozen. Then the door creaked open, and the maid entered with her usual silence. She moved like a ghost, carrying with her a tray of clothes-a symbol of her captivity. "Mr. Jeon is waiting for you," she said, her voice low and detached, as if she had done this a hundred times before.

Y/N's stomach tightened. She couldn't stall, couldn't delay what was coming. The clothes laid out before her were another reminder of her fate. Every part of her life now belonged to him-Jungkook had made sure of that. She dressed quickly, her hands trembling as she slipped into the fitted dress. It wasn't flashy, but it clung to her body, as if it had been designed to highlight her vulnerability, to strip away any last semblance of control she had.

When she finally stepped out of her room, the mansion was eerily quiet, as if it was holding its breath, waiting for her to surrender to the inevitable. The walls seemed to close in as she walked, her footsteps a faint echo in the vast, empty halls. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, that Jungkook's presence lingered in every shadow, even when he wasn't there.

Submission. The word gnawed at her. What would it take for her to truly submit? She couldn't imagine bending her will to his, allowing him to break her piece by piece until there was nothing left of who she used to be. But as she neared the dining hall, her body felt heavy, as though it already knew what her mind refused to accept.


The dining hall was enormous, and yet, Jungkook's presence filled every inch of it. He sat at the head of the long table, his gaze sharp and cold as it locked onto her the moment she entered the room. His power was overwhelming, his dark eyes assessing her, dissecting her as if he were peeling back the layers of her soul.

"Sit," he commanded, his voice calm but commanding. There was no kindness in it, no warmth.

Y/N's legs moved on their own, carrying her toward the chair closest to him. She sat, hands clenching in her lap, trying to steady her breath. Every fiber of her being screamed to run, but where could she go? There was no escape from this.

Jungkook didn't speak for several moments, simply watching her with that same, unreadable intensity. She could feel the weight of his gaze pressing down on her, making her feel small and insignificant in comparison. Finally, he leaned forward, his lips curling into a dangerous smirk.

"You're nervous," he said, his voice soft but laced with dark amusement. "Good. That's how it should be."

She swallowed hard, her mouth dry. Her pulse pounded in her ears, and her body was tense, waiting for the blow to come. She didn't know what he wanted from her, but whatever it was, it would be far from easy.

"There is no place for defiance here, Y/N," Jungkook continued, his tone hardening. "You were bought and paid for, and now you belong to me. Every thought, every action, every breath you take-will be at my command. Do you understand?"

The word belong sent a shiver down her spine. Her hands trembled, her palms clammy as she tried to hold on to her last shred of resistance. But how could she fight him? He held all the cards. Seven million dollars was all it had taken to strip her of her life, her freedom, her dignity. Her family had betrayed her, and now she was at the mercy of a man who saw her as nothing more than an object to mold into submission.

"I... I understand,"

Jungkook's smirk widened, as if he could sense her internal struggle. "Do you?" he asked, his tone low, almost a purr. "Do you truly understand what submission means?"

Her heart raced, and she looked away, unable to meet the intensity of his gaze. Submission. It wasn't just about following his orders. It was about surrendering her will to his, about becoming something less, something obedient, pliable. It was about giving him power over her body, her mind, her very soul.

Jungkook rose from his chair, his tall, muscular frame casting a shadow over her as he approached. The room seemed to grow smaller with every step he took, his presence suffocating. Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her heart thundering as he stopped just behind her.

"You will learn submission, Y/N," he whispered, his voice cold and cruel as it brushed against her ear. "You will give yourself to me-willingly or not. And when you do, you will understand that defiance is futile."

His words sent a wave of fear crashing over her, her body frozen in place. She could feel his breath on her neck, his hand brushing lightly against her shoulder. The touch was almost gentle, but the threat behind it was unmistakable. Jungkook wasn't just speaking of physical submission-he wanted more. He wanted to own her completely.

Without warning, his fingers tightened around her shoulder, pulling her to her feet. She gasped, the force of his grip making it clear that resistance was not an option.

"Stand," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Her body obeyed before her mind could process the command. She hated how easily she followed him, how her body seemed to respond to his voice without question. Every step she took felt like she was being dragged deeper into his web, her freedom slipping further from her grasp.

Jungkook led her to a smaller room adjacent to the dining hall, one that felt more like a chamber of judgment than a part of the mansion. The walls were dark, lined with heavy, cold stone, and the room was eerily quiet. A single chair sat in the center, illuminated by a single light above it. The rest of the room was swallowed in shadow.

"Sit," he commanded once more, and Y/N lowered herself into the chair, her heart pounding in her chest.

The silence between them was thick, oppressive, as if the room itself was waiting for her to break. Jungkook circled her slowly, his eyes never leaving her face. She could feel his gaze, cold and calculating, as if he were stripping her bare, examining her weaknesses.

"The first step in your training is learning discipline," he said, his voice smooth and low, dripping with authority. "Discipline will teach you obedience. Obedience will lead you to submission. This is your path now."

Y/N's breath quickened, her pulse racing. She knew what he wanted from her, but how could she give it? How could she let him take control of her entire being, piece by piece, until there was nothing left?

Jungkook stopped in front of her, his gaze piercing through her. "You will learn to submit," he said softly, but the threat behind his words was undeniable. "And if you refuse, if you fight... the consequences will be severe."

He reached out, his fingers gripping her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. His touch was firm but not painful, the control in his movements palpable. "Look at me," he commanded, his voice cold and unwavering.

Her eyes met his, and the intensity of his gaze sent a wave of fear crashing over her. He held her there, trapped in his grip, his presence suffocating. She could see it in his eyes-the dark hunger for power, the need to dominate, to control. He wanted to break her, to strip her of everything that made her who she was, until she became nothing more than a vessel for his will.

"You will submit," he whispered, his voice a dark promise. "It is inevitable."

Y/N's hands clenched into fists, her body trembling with the effort of holding herself together. She didn't want to submit. She didn't want to give in. But every word he spoke, every command he issued, chipped away at her resolve. The weight of his power was crushing, and she could feel herself sinking under it, little by little.

Jungkook released her chin, his smirk returning as he stepped back. "Your first lesson in submission will begin now," he said, his tone casual but laced with dark intent. "And I promise you, Y/N... by the time we are done, you will beg for the peace that comes with obedience."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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