Part 21

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*Thank you to all of my readers.  I wouldn't have the motivation to finish my story if it weren't for the "please update" comments.  Hehe.  Please check out Lana Crimson the story of my life by Shibella.  It's a good read.*


         I heard voices but they were muffled and soft. My eyes were adjusting to the dark room and I was trying to focus on the voices but the pain was unbearable. My head was throbbing and I tried to soothe it but I couldn't touch it. In fact, I couldn't touch anything. My hands were bound above my head. All I could feel was the cold consuming my body. I saw a light under the door; where was I? Who-? It was him! He kidnapped me! There has to be a way out of here. I started struggling to get my hands unbound but I stopped completely when I heard someone. She sounded close and very familiar.

"Look who's awake. Struggling will only make it worse princess."

"Well why don't you help me out then? Who are you anyways? I know you don't I? Why are you helping him? He paying you?"

"So many questions. I'll go tell him you're up."

"No. Don't do that. Whatever he's paying you, I'll double it. Just help me get out."

"You don't have money. And he's not paying me."

"Why are you doing this then?"

           She started to respond but she just walked out blinding me with the brightness of the other room. I can't really be here. I start struggling again but it felt like the rope was digging in my skin and I heard the door knob start to turn but stop and start to turn again like it was a game, trying to play with me. Everytime it turned, I held my breath and pulled on the rope that seemed invincible. Then I heard it again. That voice.

"Oh honey. I'm coming in. No need to get up."

      The door finally opened and I could only see the body figure standing at the door; my eyes trying to adjust to the difference of lighting. After a few seconds, I saw him. That face that I dreaded for years. An evil smile appeared on his face as he walked closer to me. I struggled and tried to stay as far away from him as space allowed. 

"Not happy to see me darling? I've waited for this day for years. Why did you run babe? It's like we start playing hide and seek and I finally found you. Didn't you miss me? I missed you. Look how you've grown; so beautiful and sexy."

"Get away from me you creep. I hate you! I've always hated you! How could you do that to us?" 

"I've only ever loved you and helped your mother in a time of need."

"By murdering her?!"

"She was suffering. I just helped her go faster."

"You're a monster."

"You should really leave the past in the past. Look, fate has brought us together again."

"Fate? You're sick! You only found me because you hunted me down you sick bastard."

"Come now. No need for such words. You don't want me to punish you now do you? I remember how you cried and yelled. I didn't want to do it but you were a very naughty girl."

          I also remembered how I cried and yelled but nobody came to save me.

"It's just you and me now my love. Everyone else went home. I sent them away so we could have some privacy. It's been a while since we've made love."

"Don't you dare say that you disgusting pig! I never wanted you."

"My patience is wearing very thin young lady. You might want to rethink your tone with me. I have your freedom in my hands."

"You would never let me go."

        There was a slight pause -

"True. How could I? We are soulmates. If you treat me right, I will try to get over you whoring yourself with every man you encounter."

"Look here you son of a bitch! I am not a whore and you can die in a fucking hole for all I care! You're nothing to me!"

       He came close and fast. Before I could think of what he was going to do, my face was filled with pain. He slapped me. My eyes started to water but I tried to hold them back. I couldn't give him the satisfaction.

"I'm trying here! I'm trying to be nice but you're making it very difficult."

"Maybe because you're what I've been running from for years. Maybe because you knocked me out and brought me to some horrible place and tied me up like a prisoner."

"You could be so happy with me. When I know you will behave and be nice, I'll untie you."

"Then I guess I'm dying here."

"Come now. You'll still get fed and properly attended to. Baths will be fun."

"Don't you fucking try to touch me! And I won't eat! I'd rather die than stay here with you!"

"Listen you dumb fuck! If you refuse to eat, I'll shove it down your throat! Don't you get it? You are never leaving or running away from me again. Now, are you going to play nice?"

"Are you going to drop dead?"

       Another blow to the face.

"You know I think you like it. You like getting punished. It turns you on; you crave it."

"You know what I think?"


"I think the idea of you dropping dead is the biggest reward in the world. And I can't wait for that day to come because I'll do it myself."

"Seems pretty difficult when you're tied up. I'll give you some time to think about it."

"You do that."

       He placed a kiss on my cheek and walked out closing the door behind him leaving me in the dark once again. I don't know where the courage came from but I'm glad I had it. Where is Toby? He should be so worried. Well at least with Victor gone, I have more time trying to get out. Lord, give me strength.

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