🐺🔞(Omegaverse)28. (P3) Hot and Heat

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*Shubman's POV*

The bowler bowled the next ball and everything went blank as it hit Ishan's stomach and he clutched his abdomen in pain.

I dropped everything, so did the other side. It was SA, and despite the fact we'd won the world cup against them, their friendly behaviour always remained.

Dewald Brevis, David Miller and all the fielders came rushing towards him. His voice was so loud that the crowd fell silent.

My eyes clouded with tears and I removed his and my gear, taking him in my lap.

"Ish-ishu... Ishu are you okay? Is... Is the Baby okay?"

"*Gasps* Is he pregnant?"
I nodded towards Davey.
"Get him off the field right now, Shub... Was he wearing anything to protect it?"

I nodded, wiping my tears. By then, Siraj, Kuldeep, Abhi, Mayank, Yashu, Surya bhai, Harry Bhai, everyone had come rushing in.

"Oh no, Ishu! Is he fine?! Shub? What happened?!"
"H-he took the ball o-on our Pup"

Their gasps told it all how shocked and hurt they were.
"We'll take them to the hospita-"
"I'll go too"
"Shub... The game?"
"It doesn't fucking matter! You play, I'm leaving. And I'll see who the fuck would try to stop me."

I picked him up and he held me tightly.
"Shubi.. it hurts so much"
"We're going back, Baby... You played really well... And I'm really proud of you"
The ambulance was already ready and I helped him near it. A few workers came to take him on a stretcher, but before I could deny, Ishan himself protested and allowed them to carry him.


Thank god that someone made a rule in this hospital that only omegas will treat other omegas. That does make me a lot more at ease. No other alpha would be around my Baby or even try to touch him.

The doctor was a female and I didn't feel any potential harm for my Baby.
"Mr. Kishan... Can you please remove the shirt?"
"C-can I sit in my Alpha's lap?"
"That's alright with me"

I stood up, taking him in my lap and kissing his forehead before removing his shirt. 
The doctor examined his abdomen for nay visible damage. 
"It's nothing too serious, Mr. Gill and Mr. Kishan... but we can perform an ultrasound just to be sure"
"Please make sure my child is safe" 
"That's my job, Mr. Kishan... please don't worry about that" 

She gave us a reassuring smile and told me to bring him near the machine. 
"Ishu... look... our little pup"
"They're already beautiful" 

I gave his belly a soft kiss and he giggled. 
"The baby seems just fine, sir... I suggest you take rest from cricket for a little time.."

She unplugged everything and Ishan softly rubbed his belly. 
"Yeah.. I'd thought about that... We're gonna have a good time, Baby... Can't wait for you to make me  Mumma"
I kissed his forehead and made him wear the shirt again.
"Does it still hurt, Baby?"
"A little... but not as much"
"Okay, then, do you still wish to play?"
"Do we have time?"
"Yeah... I'll ask Ro bhi about the status... "

"We're still batting, I think we can go back"
"WE CAN?!"
"Yes... But you'll have to be very careful, got it?"
"I promisssseeeeee!!!"

(Not sure if all this really happensz but this is my AU 😌)

"Ishu... You're on your 50, just 5 overs left...  What's your aim?"
"Not less than a hundred for my last match"
"It's not the last match, Baby, but yes, before a long wait."

We waited for a wicket... Which, I know we shouldn't but there were some struggling batters on the field and I know my Ishu could've done a lot better than them.

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