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At the Wedding Reception...

As expected, Poppy had such a wonderful time during the afternoon wedding ceremony and now that it was evening, she was having a blast during the wedding reception. To her, it was the best day ever as every Troll was dancing, talking about the wedding ceremony, congratulating her and Branch for their marriage, enjoying the food, and playing party games.

Poppy sat next to Branch at their special table, waiting for their food to be served. The Queen of Pop Village couldn't believe that she married the most charming Troll ever, who was her boyfriend and now her husband and King.

"This has been one of the most fun days I've ever had," Poppy said. "And finally marrying you is a blessing."

"I agree. It's sooo amazing that we did. I'm glad that I finally proposed to you," Branch said, holding onto her hand.

"Oh, yes, the proposal. It changed my life for the best," Poppy said. "I remember it like it was yesterday."


Although not literally yesterday, this proposal happened two weeks ago and Poppy was cheering for BroZone at their 3rd concert of the year. And after they sung their last song of the night, Branch called out to her to come on stage. He held onto her hands, smiling at her, making her blush and smile.

"Poppy, ever since I laid eyes on you, you changed my life for the best. You are gorgeous, beautiful, and you are my sunshine," Branch said.

"Aww, Branch sweetie, you're so sweet. Thank you," Poppy said. "And you changed my life too. You helped me see the good and not-so-sweet side, but had always been there for me.

Branch chuckled. "Aww, I'm glad. And my life wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you."

"I feel the same way too, sweetie," Poppy said.

Branch nodded and slowly got down on one knee. She gasped, holding onto her cheeks, feeling as if she was going to cry. Too late, she was already in tears, having a certain feeling of what was going to happen.

"Poppy....you are the most inspirational Troll I ever met in my life," Branch said.

Poppy immediately started to cry. But don't worry, she smiling and crying at the same time. She squealed. She looked up to see her older sister Viva squealing and holding onto Clay who smiled at her. Bruce and John Dory smiled real hard and Floyd looked as if he was going to cry too. She faced behind her to find her father giving her a warm smile at her. She faced back at Branch who was in tears too.

"Oh Branch...." Poppy said, wiping his eyes.

"And I love you with all my heart." Branch said as the tears went down his cheeks. He then pulled out a small box out from his hair and opened it, revealing a wedding ring. "Poppy.....my beautiful queen, my Popifur.....will you....marry me?"

With tears still rolling down her own cheeks, Poppy screamed and squealed out loud, fanning herself. "YES!! YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!"

Branch picked her up as the two of them hugged. The crowd clapped and cheered, including Branch's brothers, Poppy's sister and father.

Broppy continued to hug until they faced each other in affection. They wiped each other's tears and gazed each other in the eyes.

"Branch...." Poppy placed her hand onto Branch's left cheek. "...I love you."

Branch held onto her left cheek. "I love you too, my Queen."

They slowly leaned forward and kissed. This made the crowd go wild. They clapped, cheered, and chanted the word "Broppy". Floyd immediately started to cry and couldn't stop. John Dory hugged him for support. Viva squealed and hugged Clay who hugged her back. Bruce looked at Brandy and back at Branch and Poppy, cheering for them.

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