Going away/coming back

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Logan rices is 16 years old he always thought that he didnt have the greatest life but he always tried to put a smile on his face everyday, his kind and thoughtful but no one else sees it, one day he got a letter from the army saying he was accepted so he had to go. he didn't really think of home much while he was gone he returned 3 years later and when he did get back no one even remembered who he was, he sat at a little diner in his little town, a young girl who worked there walked past and spotted him she noticed he was upset so she decided to approach him "hello, I don't think I have seen you around before my names Lilly, can I get you anything".

"No, thank you" Logan replied and put his head back down

It troubled Lilly that he looked so sad but there wasn't much she could do since he was a stranger and looked like he didnt wont company.

Later that night.

Logan had finally decided to leave the diner it was 7:34 at night and pouring down with rain
As he was walking down the road he could hear someone calling out "SIR..HEY..EXCUSE ME..SIR"
He turned around to see the girl from the diner.. Lilly.. "You forgot your jacket" now that he is actually noticing her he could see that she was really small but looked around her 20's with sandy blond hair and light brown eyes "helloooo sir" he was brought out of his gaze by Lilly waving her hands in front of his face " stop calling me that my name is Logan" he snatched the jacket out of her hands "okay sorry.. Logan.. We're is your car" she says as she looks around expecting to see one
"I don't have one" he replies as he turns around to walk away " so what your just gonna walk alone in the rain" he ignores her and keeps walking so she jogs to keep up with him "I could give you a lift home if you like" she offers to matt "no I'm fine" he replies getting annoyed with this girl but she doesn't give up, they get to the corner of the street and matt could hear some noise coming from across the road, so he stops and looks to see what it is
6 man walk across the road, they were laughing and carrying on obviously drunk
"hear he is boys"
"ah see told you's he was back"
"how are yuh rocky"
Logan new these three man but he never thought he would ever hear that name again "I think I would take that ride home after all" he said to Lilly and from what he could see She was ready to leave to so they both turned around and walked as quick as they could back to her car.

During the car drive to Logan's house .

"So, Did you no those guys" Lilly asked just to start a conversation "no, turn left hear" he orders, the car went quit again, Lilly was really starting to feel irritated by Logan's small replies, " so i thought you said your name was Logan, why were those guys calling you rocky?" She asks, Logan slightly looks at her thinking why is she asking so many questions " I told you my name is Logan didn't I, turn left again" he corrects her, "we're are you from" she ask while doing what he says, "turn right hear, first flats on the right" she pulls up in front of a bloke of flats and looks at Logan, he doesn't respond gives a quite thank you and gets out of the car

Later that night
It's now 3 in the morning and logan is still awake thinking about Lilly, he was so mad at himself for being so rude to her but he didn't no why, he tossed and turned but he just could not sleep so he got up out of his bed and wonders out into the kitchen and re-checks the locks on all the doors and windows, after he made sure everything was locked he went back to bed, why can't I just stop thinking about her he said to himself, he was so mad with himself that he promised himself that he would go back to the diner the next night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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