11. Fragments of War and Redemption

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Chapter 11

It had been days, perhaps even weeks, since the war began. The Capital, once a symbol of prosperity and peace, had descended into chaos. Gunfire echoed through the streets, the air filled with the cries of the wounded, and the relentless clashing of steel against steel. The city was engulfed by war, a once-thriving metropolis now crumbling under the weight of violence.

Knights, soldiers, and every weapon-wielding citizen who had pledged their loyalty to the throne stood firm, unwavering in their resolve. They fought with a strength borne not only of duty but of desperation. The very survival of their country was at stake, and for many, there was no greater honor than dying in its defense. Yet, despite their valiant efforts and unbreakable determination, their strength was insufficient to hold back the impending tide of their downfall.

A report had come in, a grim estimation of the enemy forces. Strangely, it claimed that the number of enemy soldiers was few-so few that it seemed impossible for such destruction to be caused by them alone. Suspicions arose immediately. Could this be true? Was the enemy's strength so deceptively concealed? The Royal Family's most trusted spies and researchers were dispatched, scouring for any trace of the truth. Where had these invaders come from? How had they infiltrated the borders so swiftly, so undetected?

Weeks earlier, orders had been issued to uncover the enemy's plans and routes, but these efforts had yielded little. No strategy, no reconnaissance had revealed their hidden movements. It was only now, too late, that it was realized the tanks should have been positioned toward the south of the Capital, where the thick brush and towering trees provided perfect cover. There had been whispers that the enemy might have emerged from there, but those whispers were drowned out by more immediate threats. With time running out, the soldiers guarding the southern perimeter took greater precautions, but the enemy seemed always one step ahead, their approach shrouded in mystery.

Meanwhile, I found myself pulled away from the very battlefront where I felt I was most needed. It wasn't the first time my superiors had made this choice, though I could not say I agreed with it. My past victories in countless wars had proven my worth, but it was decided that Desaré and Evie, my once comrades, were better suited to lead at the front lines. Their skill in swordsmanship and their keen awareness of their surroundings made them invaluable in battle, and their natural leadership abilities had earned them great respect among the troops. I myself wasn't enough, undoubtedly amongst the finest the kingdom had to offer. But I still believed that I, too, was what the country needed.

As I pondered my situation, a sharp voice broke through my thoughts. "¡Ehem! ¡Disculpe, señora!" ( Ehem!, Excuse/Pardon me Ma'me/Madam) Startled, I turned to see a small, thin woman dressed in a maid's uniform, her eyes wide with urgency.

"¿Qué es eso?" (What is it?) I asked, my tone betraying my irritation at being disturbed.

"El comandante del Ejército de Madrid, España, solicita su presencia en la sala de vistas" (The Commander of the Army in Madrid, Spain, requests your presence in the courtroom) she said hurriedly, her voice wavering with nervousness. Her anxiety was not unfamiliar to me-many feared bringing news of the battlefield, and her demeanor was no different. I softened my expression, offering her a reassuring smile.

"¡Muchas gracias!, (Thank you very much!)" I replied, dismissing her kindly. She hurried off, leaving me to gather my thoughts.

The weight of my presence was felt the moment I stepped into the grand meeting hall. The room, cold and silent, was one I had entered only once before, and yet it felt strangely familiar. As I walked further into the space, I noticed a man standing with his back to me, speaking quietly to a figure I presumed to be a butler.

While I waited to be addressed, I allowed my eyes to wander, taking in the ornate details of the room. I had never taken the time to truly observe the surroundings the last time I had been here. The golden chandeliers sparkled from above, casting a soft, almost ethereal light across the polished marble floors. The rich tapestries that adorned the walls told stories of battles long past, of victories and defeats that shaped the very history of our nation.

As I continued to survey the room, something shiny caught my eye. It glinted in the light, high above me. At first, it was a distant, almost insignificant sparkle, but as it grew closer, I felt a sudden shift from curiosity to alarm.

Without warning, I dove for cover, my instincts kicking in before I could fully comprehend what was happening. The Commander, who had just begun to turn toward me, opened his mouth to speak, but his words were lost in the deafening sound of impact. A large, fiery projectile crashed through the roof of the castle-through the very ceiling of the room where I stood.

The force of the blast was immense. The walls around me trembled, their solid foundations cracking and crumbling as the ground itself seemed to shift beneath my feet. Shards of glass flew in every direction, the once pristine windows reduced to glittering dust. Furniture was upended, thrown across the room as if they were mere toys in the hands of a child. I grabbed onto the nearest object, bracing myself as the floor beneath me began to give way.

There was no time to think, no time to process what was happening. The floor tilted violently, sending me tumbling into the chaos below.

In that moment, I was certain of my fate. Whether or not I survived the fall, I knew that the injuries I sustained would be insufferable. Even if my body survived, my spirit would be crushed. The thought of living in such pain, in such misery, was unbearable. I knew then that if I survived, I would eventually beg for death. Death would be my only escape from the suffering that awaited me.

But as the darkness closed in, something unexpected happened.

A hand, soft and familiar, reached out to me.

It was a gentle hand, filled with love and adoration. This touch was not new to me. I had felt it before, many times. It was the hand that had lifted me up when I had fallen, and now, it was lifting me up once again.

"Madame, are you alright?" A man's voice broke through the fog of my consciousness, filled with panic and urgency.

"H-huh?" I muttered weakly, my entire body wracked with pain. As I tried to move, a sharp, unbearable ache shot through me, and I winced.

"You need to stay still and rest," the man said gently, though his voice still carried an edge of fear. He sounded familiar, someone I had spoken to before, but I couldn't place where.

I opened my eyes fully, trying to make sense of my surroundings. The world around me was a blur of unfamiliar faces and fragmented memories. What had happened? How had I ended up in this state?

"You fell," the man explained softly, his voice heavy with emotion. "You fell from the skies after the castle's courtroom collapsed. Thankfully, there were people below who managed to save you, but... not everyone was as fortunate." His tone darkened, the weight of loss evident in his words. "Many died... including the Armies Commander of Spain."

I blinked, trying to process his words. . A wave of empathy crashed over me, leaving me speechless.

"¿Se despertó la comandante Giselle?" (Did Commander Giselle wake up?) another voice asked from somewhere nearby.

"¡Sí! Ella lo hizo," (Yes! she did) the man beside me responded.

The men left me to rest, but my thoughts were restless. I didn't hear the gunshots anymore, nor the screams that had once filled the air. Where was I? Had the battle moved elsewhere, or had it ended?

Despite my injuries, I wanted nothing more than to be out there again. Not just because I was a commander, or because of my thirst for battle, but because I needed to protect this country. I needed to protect those I loved.

And yet this was ironic to me, the one I had sworn to protect most had already slipped through my fingers.

And for that, I could never forgive myself.


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