It hase been a week since I ran away and today I would start attending the same school a Millie. I got in to the uniform and got on the bus. Mike? Millie said to me Millie. I had said exsidedle as I sat down. What are you doing in New York did you move here? Millie said to me.
Well I did kinda well I ran from Gorgia and I have been here for about a week and I live in the orphanage. I said in a calm voice. YOU DID! she said. Yeah me step father was abusing me so I had to. Millie could under stand my pain even though she duset know what it feels like.
The bus was just about to get to the stop to the school. When we got to the school I looked at my agenda and me and Millies are the same. Me and Millie headed to are first class and it was math.
Millie Toledo the teacher that I was a new student here and that I had the same agenda as her. Mrs. Clare was her name and after she intrudused her self she sat me down next to Millie.
When we got the daylie quiz they took Mrs. Clare didn't exspect me to know any thing but to her suprise I knew a lot I had thought my self how to do alot of things including how to read and write.
Mrs.Clare after seeing my grade she suggested UIL to me as the sighn up sheets were just being handed out. I signed out for a couple of UIL so did Millie. We were in are last year of middle school so why not sighn up for a couple. To Millie I was a toddler nerned but she is still my friend and I am use to geting called a nered and I was one after all there was no dought about it.
I took the sighn up sheets and wrotename Michle Helen Date 10 - 17 - 93
Ready Writing
I made up my mind and signed up for those three.
No one would think of me as the smart person or the sweetis person they have met and I can accept that I was not the coolest or smarties person or even the sweetis person and onisly thoughts tipe of people deserve there own awourd as that is hard to be that person.
But I am that person that can lison and help so is Millie. To be honest I kinda like her she is sweet and cute but she is also a good friend. I didn't want to wright this in my journal because she likes to go through my stuff so I would rather keep it to my self.
Historical FictionMike is 20 years old and works on the 94th floor of the north twin tower and was kissing to music and doing his work when flight 11 hit at 8:46 am as Millie his wife had got a call on her work computer as it was set up as it would be in a office sh...