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In the small town of Willow Creek, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were inseparable. They had been best friends since kindergarten, and everyone around them could see the bond they shared. Taylor, with her golden hair and sparkling blue eyes, was known for her incredible talent in singing and songwriting. Travis, on the other hand, was the star quarterback of the Willow Creek Wildcats, with his tall, athletic build and a smile that could light up the darkest night.

From the outside, it seemed like they had everything figured out. They were always there for each other, whether it was Taylor cheering the loudest at Travis's football games or Travis being front and center at Taylor's performances. They shared their hopes, dreams, and even their fears. But there was one thing they hadn't shared—their feelings for each other.

It wasn't that they didn't feel it. There were moments when their hands would brush, sending sparks flying between them. There were times when they would catch each other's eyes and feel their hearts race. But they were both too scared to ruin their friendship, so they kept their feelings hidden.

Everyone else, however, wasn't so blind. Their friends and family could see the way they looked at each other, the way they seemed to light up when they were together. It was only a matter of time before someone decided to intervene.

One sunny afternoon, Taylor and Travis were sitting on the bleachers, watching the rest of the team practice. Taylor had her guitar with her, strumming a new tune she had been working on. Travis listened intently, as he always did, a smile playing on his lips.

"That's beautiful, Tay," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thanks, Trav," Taylor replied, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I was thinking of playing it at the next school event."

"You should. Everyone loves your music," Travis encouraged.

As they continued to talk, their friends, Abigail and Selena, approached them. Abigail, with her keen sense of observation, had long suspected that there was more to Taylor and Travis's relationship than just friendship. Selena, always the prankster, had come up with a plan to push them in the right direction.

"Hey, guys," Abigail greeted, sitting down next to Taylor. "We were thinking of having a little get-together at Selena's place this weekend. You in?"

"Sounds like fun," Taylor said, glancing at Travis, who nodded in agreement.

"Great! It's going to be a movie night," Selena added with a mischievous grin. "And we were thinking of watching some rom-coms."

Taylor and Travis exchanged a look, both feeling a little awkward but agreeing nonetheless. Little did they know, Abigail and Selena had carefully selected movies that would make them confront their feelings for each other.

The night of the get-together arrived, and Selena's living room was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter. The group settled in with popcorn and snacks, ready for the movie marathon. As the first movie started, Taylor and Travis found themselves sitting next to each other on the couch, their shoulders touching.

The movie was filled with moments of unspoken love and missed opportunities, and Taylor couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart. She glanced at Travis, who seemed equally engrossed in the film. As the movie progressed, they both became increasingly aware of their own feelings, but neither dared to speak up.

During a particularly emotional scene, Taylor felt a tear escape her eye. Travis noticed and gently reached out to wipe it away. "Hey, you okay?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, just...the movie," Taylor replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Travis nodded, but his heart ached. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but the fear of losing her as a friend held him back.

As the night went on, Abigail and Selena exchanged knowing glances. It was clear that their plan was working, but they decided to give it a little more time. The second movie was even more intense, with a storyline that mirrored Taylor and Travis's situation almost perfectly.

By the end of the night, Taylor and Travis were both emotionally drained. As they said their goodbyes and headed home, they couldn't stop thinking about each other. The movies had stirred something deep within them, and it was becoming harder to ignore.

The next day, Travis found himself at the football field, trying to clear his mind with some practice. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the image of Taylor from his thoughts. He decided to take a break and sat down on the bleachers, staring at the empty field.

To his surprise, Taylor appeared, carrying her guitar as usual. "Hey, Trav," she greeted, sitting down next to him. "Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not," Travis replied, his heart racing at the sight of her.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the weight of their unspoken feelings hanging in the air. Finally, they are ready to have the long awaited conversation. Travis speaks up first. "Tay.. I think we both know what this conversation is about. I have feelings for you, and have had feelings for you since we're were little kids." Taylor, flattered, said, "goodness, trav. I feel the exact same say. I'm pretty sure everyone around us could see it, but we were too blind, and trying to hide our own feelings to be able to.

Travis, smiling, "well, since we've figured this out, why don't I pick you up on Saturday at seven? We'll get a nice dinner and I'll have you at home by 10:30, how's that sound?" Taylor, grinning, with blush coating her cheeks, "I'd like that, I'd like that a lot."

And so they went, and had a great time.

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