Intro / Key

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I'm a little excited for this rewrite, honestly. Very, very excited.

If you're a DigFeet OG you'd remember how Role of a King was inspired by the song Lonely King by CG5. My mind went into hypotheticals on, "What if Henwy sang this?" and "What if Henwy was evil?". The universe certainly expanded from there. By far, Role of a King is one of my favourites. I actually finished the story off on a cliffhanger, and left room for two prequels and a sequel.

It pains me to watch myself struggle through writer's block. I haven't picked up the series since around March 2024.

Thankfully, while listening to my personalised Apple Music station, Lonely King returned to my feed on 9/20/24. My mind jolted straight back to RoaK. Now, this isn't the sequel, this isn't the prequel, but this is the RoaK rewrite. It's been over a year of RoaK being finished and left alone, and my writing style I feel my writing style has much improved since.

And, yes, this still is for female readers. Role of a Queen is still Role of a Queen, after all..

This, Diggers, is Role of a King - The Reboot


Y/N - Your Name

L/N - Last Name (Note: I recommend your last name be Vald or smth... for reasons)

Role of a King - The RebootWhere stories live. Discover now