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"It's been decided that Rhian will be sent to Relaco and train in the Twilight Senate's military," remarked Fillidia, the 1st class knight and leader of the Mana knights. She narrowed her eyes at Orin, who only starred in surprise. "Do I have something on my face?"

"What about Rhaelena?" Orin asked.

"What about her?" Fillida remarked.

"Where will she go?"

"To the orphanage on Westlandolia," replied Fillidia but her colleague only shook his head.

"You can't be serious?" Balked Orin. He had been there that day on Halaira all. He had found the twins clutching each other among the charred remains of their village. If he concentrated he could still smell burning skin and taste the acidic ash on his tongue. It churned his stomach for more reasons than one.

"We can't take her in. You know that," Fillidia chided turning back to the thin grey tablet that held the girls' pictures and notes.

"But, she needs to be trained. You know that from the tests and notes," Orin persisted. He tried his best to rein back in his warring emotions. They would do no good here in this tiny chamber with the head of the Twilight Knights.

"While she places exceptionally high in all fields the risks are far too great. Especially after all the turmoil... she experienced. We teach her and she strays it could be...cataclysmic for the galaxy."

"It would be more cataclysmic if we didn't and the Order finds her. She could end up just like him," Orin said. Fillidia sucked in a sharp breath. Her eyes burning brightly were the only indication that Orin had hit a nerve. Otherwise her body held an extremely convincing posture of serenity and indifference. She was the very epitome of what being a Twilight Knight meant.

"The Order only got to him because we were foolish enough to think such aptitudes could be molded and tamed. That was our flaw. My flaw. I won't have you make my same mistake. There is also her.... Background to consider."

Orin snorted and fought the urge to roll his eyes. Fillidia eyed him sternly. Sometimes he forgot how unwavering and stern she had gotten over the years. It had felt like eons since he had last heard her laugh. It felt way too long. He fought the swell of emotions and breathed in and out.

"We all have questionable backgrounds," replied Orin.

"Your comparing apples to oranges my dear friend. She is a mystery unto herself and that is far more dangerous," Fillidia snapped. She was annoyed at this conversation and fought to keep her calm composure that seemed to be loosened whenever Orin entered her presence.

"What if I take full responsibility?"

"Do you even know what you're saying?"

"I do."

"Very well. I can't stop you."

Orin chuckled.

"Something funny?"

"I just can't help but think this was the other way around some ten years ago," Orin said fighting off another grin.

"Whatever. Just...fetch the girl before I change my mind like I should."

Orin nodded and took his leave.

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