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" We must talk , my dear. " Taehyung suggested as Jungkook opened and closed the drawers in the room , shuffling through stuffs.

" About what? " Jungkook asked , absent mindedly, picking up chains , gaping at them with focused eyes.

" About everything. --- I want to tell you whatever has happened. " Elder said , and even though he knew that things were sorted , he still knew that he could make them much better by telling everything to Jungkook.

" Why? " Jungkook questioned keeping the chains back in their playing before closing the drawer firmly before looking straight in Taehyung's black eyes.

" You need it. I need it. We both must make things clear. " Taehyung had that obviousness in his voice which Jungkook was clearly ignoring.

" But why? There is no need. " Taehyung almost frowned at that. Almost.

" Well....aren't you curious about everything around me? " He questioned at which Jungkook sighed shaking his head in a 'no'.

" I am not anymore. I don't want to. " He walked closer to Taehyung and gazed at elder with his soft brown eyes with still that warmth around him , that he felt in elder's arms.

" Is that because you want to escape from the reality again? Are you afraid that you will start to hate me ? " Taehyung had that coldness in his voice which declared clearly that he wasn't afraid anymore.

Love or hate , it never mattered to him from younger's side because he was never afraid to love younger and that's all that he needed.

His love for younger was enough to keep him happy .

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung and hugged elder making him raise an eyebrow.

" I...." Jungkook hushed , his lips breathing over Taehyung's, who remained still in his place and carefully observed Jungkook. " ...am not afraid of anything anymore. And now nothing can make me stop loving you. You are mine. Mine Taehyung. And to be serious, you are all I have accept for Jimin. I know he is alive. I know you haven't killed him and that's why I am absolutely fine. And trust me when I say......." He trailed his low whisper, brushing his lips on elder's, ".... I really don't care even if you have killed him. Because that won't be the first time you killing someone. "

A smug smile traced Taehyung's lips as he nodded with an amused expression. " Oh really? So you think I am a killer? " with that, he pulled Jungkook towards him making their bodies almost one.

" Um-hmm...you are. " Jungkook smiled innocently staring in those infinitely dark eyes , drowning into the deep black of them.

" And, whom...." Taehyung rasped leaning near Jungkook's ear before giving a tongue pressing lick just under his earlobe. " .....do you think I have killed? "

Taehyung's hands found their way inside Jungkook's T-shirt, as he wrapped himself, locking Jungkook waist in his arms as if a piece of puzzle coming into it's place.

Jungkook shuddered, clutching Taehyung's shirt and for the first time , he was shocked to feel what an impact elder had on him yet he couldn't help.

Those arms around him , he wanted to feel more of their warmth.

" Tae...." Jungkook voiced breathlessly.

His voice suddenly turning sharp.

" What , my dear? " Taehyung asked , as if he had no idea of what was happening.

" Tae...please. " Jungkook whispered almost as if , begging to the elder man.

" We will be deviating from our conversation, my darling. We must talk.---"

" Later. Talk for later. Please.--ahh~" Jungkook moaned lowly when Taehyung's hot mouth came in contact with his cold skin of the junction of his neck to the shoulder.

Taehyung jabbed his teeth in younger's skin and caged him tightly in his hold , almost making Jungkook swing up from the ground.

Jungkook breathed harshly feeling pain seep down the bite before Taehyung licked on the mark , soothing the pain down.

" How ---- " Elder pulled back , staring right through those dark brown eyes , gleaming with sweetness and low. " ---- does it feel? "

" weirdly....nice...? " Jungkook said with an amused face chuckling out a little.

For him this was a bit weird. Cuz no offence it was new to him yet he felt as if he needed this from Taehyung now. Right then and there.

More of that feeling. More if the vulnerability.

" We must continue this somewhere else. " Taehyung husked out looking back into Jungkook's eyes but this time nothing pure could be seen.

Jungkook could see a glimpse of the devil in Taehyung's eyes.

" Whatever you want. " Jungkook agreed brushing Taehyung's sharp jaw with the pad of his thumb.

" But we still have to talk , Jungkook. And I want to be crystal clear about that. " Taehyung spoke warning Jungkook that he wasn't going to forget what actually he wanted to do.

And he wasn't going to change his mind at all.

" I'll listen to it. But that's for later , now can we hurry. Things might take time. They will be new to me! " Younger said as a matter of fact making Taehyung chuckle.

" Well , I am no different. "

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