Moon was brought to her room. Her mom came too as if she were sick. "Moon, sweety, are you ok?" She sad.
"Yes, Mother! I'm ok, why?" Moon said calmly. "Mina told me you were attacked by a monster named Tofee!" Moon's heart jumped down into her knees. "Mom, Toffee only talked with us, but Mina didn't like him." Comet looked a lot calmer. "Ohh, Mina, why all the drama? Ugh!" Moon looked up to her mum and quietly sad: "Mom, can I ask you something?""Do you think monsters are evil?"
Queen Comet looked at her daughter lovely. "No, sweety, monsters are misunderstood Creatures!" Moon was a little bit happier. The Price? Moon loosed a part of her trust in Mina. Moon walked outside in the rose garten and sat on a beach and readed a book.
The Lizard Monsters
"Lizard Monsters are invincible and strong. The Perosn who thinks they can be defeated is wrong. Only the dark side of magic knows. You will find it where Eclipsa flotes. The Lizard Monster is the most dangerous. Time has proved this many times."
Moon was shocked how bad Toffee was represented in the book. But in that moment, Toffee came inside the garten. "How did you...."Hello Princess! I am illegal here, but I wanted to see you again." Moon laght "It's not even one hour since I met you!" Toffee became red "Yea but you are a really nice company!" Moon slided a bit to the left so Toffee could sit next to her in the most beautiful Garten ever. "Hey, thanks, Princess! Do you want to meet up somewhere else? Maybe at the Lake at 12:00 pm?" Moon was amazed "Woah ok Buddy! Uaa Toffee!" Toffee laght "OK see you there!" "Yea, see you there!" Moon wispered. 12:00, seven boring hours of being a princess.
11:30 o clockA shadow was walking through land and kingdom until they stopped at the lake. Toffee already ran to Moon and hugged her. "Thank you for coming, Moon!" Moon looked around in the darkness. There was a picknick place with a lot of food. Around it was a bit of light and that light was decrated by roses in the woderfulest colors Moon has ever seen. "Wow, Tofi! This is amazing!" Moon was amazed by all the colors. Tofi smiled at her with the cutest Smile Moon had ever seen. He was cute and cool. When Moon first saw Toffee, she thought he could be a bully type. But he isn't. Toffee was a good new friend. A New Friend Moon needed after what happened with Mina. Toffee joked "Um this isn't a date just so you know, it's a "Nice to meet you Moon!" Meeting. So don't think we are dating or something!" Toffee's Sentence came out of the nothing, but Moon was ok with that. "As if I'm gonna date a boy, I don't know!" Toffee looked into Moon's eyes."Let's eat." And they ate together. After a while, Moon had to leave, but not before they talked when they could meet again. And they meet again and again and again.
Moonday 14:24 o-Clock
Butterfly Palast
Moon was playing in her room when her mum walked in. "Hey sweety, how are you? We need to talk! I have a mission where I need to leave Mewnie for a while, and I...I thought you were old enough to accompany me. Do you want to? You know it can be dangerous, and I don't want anything to hurt you!" Comet sad quietly. Moon looked at her mother in shock because she never had herd her mom so serious. Of course, Moon wanted to come with her mom. Because her mom was her everything too. So they got into the coach on the same day and rided into their first mission together....⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️
🔷️To be Continiued in Chapter 3🔷️
Mother - Don't leave me
ParanormalFollowing the Live of Moon Butterfly in an Alternative Universe. A Story of a Broken Heart, alone in the giant World Made by Mallacat11 Star vs. the forces of evil made by Disney