Chapter 10: A Serious House On Serious Earth

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“I’d like to see Lucius Fox.”

“Oh, Mr. Wayne, I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you” the receptionist answers, taken aback by the infamous figure before her desk.

“It’s quite alright, Mrs...?”

“Oh, it’s just Miss... Shaw” she nervously replies.

“Ah, forgive me. As I was saying, I was hoping you could get me in contact with Lucius Fox.”

“Erm, I’m sorry, Mr. Wayne, but Mr. Fox doesn’t work here at Wayne Enterprises anymore. He’s been retired nearly ten years. I should know because I’ve been working here for almost-“

“Yes, yes, I understand Mr. Fox no longer works here. I was hoping however that you could give me his most recent contact details if possible.” Bruce asks.

“Oh, erm, yeah, sure I could. But, erm, do you not have even his phone or...?”

Bruce clears his throat, slightly embarrassed for the employee. “Erm, well... I haven’t been around as much in recent years. Seems I lost contact.”

“Oh! Right! Oh, geez I’m sorry, I forgot you were in... that you were...”

“-In prison, yes.” Bruce answers for her.

“Yeah... that.”

The pair stand awkwardly in silence for a brief moment.

“Erm, Miss Shaw?”


“The contact details?”

“Oh! Yes, of course” she hurriedly fumbles around the computer screen in front of her, giggling anxiously. She then hands Bruce a scribbled note over the counter. “Here you go, Mr. Wayne, that’s the most recent phone, address and email we have for Mr. Fox.”

“Thank you very much. You’ve been a great help.”

“Oh, Mr. Wayne?” she calls him back. “Erm, tell Mr. Fox I said ‘hi'. He was always very kind to me.”

Bruce smiles. “I’m sure he was, Miss Shaw.”

He pulls up to a house in a quiet neighbourhood and walks by the gate along the long, perfectly cut front lawn to ring on the doorbell. A woman then answers.

“Ah, Tiffany” he greets her.

“Bruce!” she beams back. She throws her arms up and the pair share a reuniting embrace. “It’s good to see you!” she follows.

“And you too, Tiffany. You look great.”

“Thank you. Not too bad yourself.”

“I wish I could say I felt as much.”

“Hey, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for how everything worked out for you, really” she continues. “But, I can tell you now, hand on heart, even after you revealed your identity, to this day, I never told a single soul about you. Promise.”

“Ah, I see you get your trustworthiness from your father” Bruce grins. “Speaking of, is he here?”

“Yeah, of course, come in!” she leads him inside the home through the corridors.

“How is he doing these days?” Bruce asks.

“All in all, he’s fine. He just likes to sit and watch his shows everyday. I hope you’re not here to recruit him back into your ‘business' though, he’s not as sharp as he used to be.”

She takes him into a living room where Lucius sits in a wheelchair in front of the television.

“Who’s that you’re talking to?” he calls before seeing the face appear from around the corner. “Well, I’ll  be damned. Bruce Wayne.”

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