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The British Magical system functions under a partial aristocracy but classifies as more of an oligarchy, which is what gives the "Noble" houses their seat on the Wizengamot. The Wizengamot can, if enough members agree, choose to add a new seat but that hasn't happened in centuries. The Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot are about equal in power, though muggleborn and halfblood opinion of the Wizengamot has been steadily decreasing throughout the years as people become more educated and new ideas are brought forth.

"Noble house" ≠ true nobility, though it did at one point
Wizengamot = pureblood "Lordships" with a couple exceptions
Ministry of Magic = elected office, kind of. I think I'll expand on this at some point

"The Carriage held but just Ourselves –

And Immortality."

This, stunningly enough, isn't the strangest experience Sasuke's ever had in his life. That fact alone speaks volumes to Sasuke's past experiences, and he's not sure it's a good thing.

He's currently sitting in a relatively nice little cell. He has water, food, and the guard seems amicable enough, asking him questions and the like. They've even given him clothes to replace his ripped, bloodstained ones and let some kind of medic look him over.

He's already worked out a plan, granted there are a few kinks he has yet to figure out. These people give a lot more away than Sasuke expected, plus another upside of this plan is that this is the easiest way to be recognized as a person by their government. Part of him is concerned that it's an intimidation tactic, but the other part of him saw how their bodies immediately relaxed when his age was brought up. Very odd.

The first aspect of his plan hinges on the fact that he knows he looks younger than he is. To them, he probably looks around 14, when he's actually 16. They won't notice or comment on his age, thanks to a combination of whatever Death did to alter their perceptions of him, genjutsu, and common courtesy.

He intends to feign amnesia, which is startlingly easy once he pulls out his old nervous tics from deep inside his psyche. He returns the guard's questions easily, with all the innocence a child should have. He says his name, but doesn't give them a last name, claiming not to remember it.

He can practically see the guard eating out of his hand.

"Don't worry, lad. I'm sure they'll see that you're just a young person in need of some help, okay?" The guard says reassuringly. "You seem like a nice chap, they might even let you go to Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts?" Sasuke echoes, injecting a little scepticism into his tone.

(Founders... Slytherin, Hufflepuff... rivalries... school)

(transfiguration... Filius Flitwick, Minerva Mcgonagall, Pomona Sprout...)

(1674... teaching for several... Albus Dumbledore–)

He tries not to make it too obvious that he's had the air knocked out of him by the new information, especially not in front of his "guard".

Her entire face brightens. "It's the best magical school out there. The professors will teach you all you need to know. No place safer either."

"Do you really think they'll let me go?" Sasuke wonders with manufactured self-consciousness and naivety.

The guard frowns slightly, thinking. "I can't say for certain, but I'm sure they won't leave you by yourself. Unless they find relatives for you." She pauses. "You really can't remember anything?"

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