For Good *ONE SHOT*

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Galinda, The Good Witch of The North, was in her iconic bubble watching over the citizens of Oz. She was given the "honor" of informing the Ozians that The Wicked Witch of The West was dead.

"Glinda, how dead is she?" A Munchkin man asked. Galinda sighed.

'Why do you need to know? Elphaba's dead!' She thought angrily to herself.

" Well, there has been much rumor and speculation... innuendo, outuendo... but let me set the record straight. According to the Time Dragon Clock, the melting occurred at the 13th hour; a direct result of a bucket of water thrown by a female child. Yes, the Wicked Witch of the West is dead!" She said as the citizens cheered.

Galinda left the Ozians to cheer. She couldn't bare the sounds of their cheers.

She's dead...

~10 years later~

Galinda's POV

I walked into my chamber and I sit down in my throne, silently sobbing to myself.

'Why am I crying? Isn't this what you dreamt of?' I thought. 'You have the dress, the jewels, the crown, the wand. All of Oz loves you.' I sobbed. 'There's something missing. No... Someone. I sighed in frustration.

"I need to get out of here." I went up to the roof, made a magical bubble, floated far away from Oz.
I've been floating for what seems like hours.

'Where am I?' I look at my surroundings. "Of course I had to come here" I muttered to myself.

It was a dark place, everything's dead and just sad It was... Depressing.

It was Elphaba's lair.


'Galinda, you need to stop. She's dead. She died 10 years ago. Still... It wouldn't hurt to go inside. I floated by a nearby window and flew into Elphaba's lair.

The memories flooded back into my brain.

~10 years ago~

"You can't be found here!" Elphaba said. "You have to leave." She started to push me towards a dark corner. I push her off me.

"No!" I shouted. She sigh frustratingly.

"You must leave!" She shouted.

I crossed my arms and looked at her. "No. I'll tell them everything."

"No! They'll turn against you!"

"I don't care!" I said.

"I do!" She grabbed my arm. "Promise me you want try to clear my name...Promise." She looked into my eyes, her eyes tearing up.

"Alright, but I don't understand." I replied.

"I'm limited Glinda. I can't do all you can do." She handed me the Grimmerie.

I took the book. "Elphie, you know I can't read this."

"Then you have to learn. Because now it's up to you. For the both of us." She replied.

"Oh Elphie."

"You're the only friend I've ever had."

"And I've had so many, but only one that matter.

'I've heard its said that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return. Well I don't if I believe that's true but I know I'm who I am today because I knew you. Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

I feel a few tears run my face.

She wiped the tears off my face.

"It well may be, that we will never meet again in this life time so let me say before we part. So much of me is made of me, is made what I've learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. And whatever way our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend. Who can if I've been changed for the better? But, because I knew you. I have been changed for good."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me for a hug.

Our hug was interrupted by the sound of Oz's guards running up the stairs.

"You must hide now!" She shoved me into the darkest corner and used a curtain to hide me.

I heard a splash of water and Elphaba's scream.

As soon as it was quite I came out and saw Elphie's hat.

Elphaba was dead.

And I hid like a coward, while she melted to death.

~Forward 10 years~

I collapsed onto the floor, sobbing. "I'm s-so So-r-ry Elphie, I let y-you down. I hid like a a coward and I let you down!"

I couldn't get up, I just sat there on the floor sobbing into my hand.

"I shouldn't even here." I muttered to myself. I get up off the floor and look around the room once more.

As I make a bubble for myself I noticed a figure in the shadows. I shake it off but the figure moves.

I walked over the dark area. "Show yourself." I demanded "I said 'Show yourself. I won't leave until you do!"

All of a sudden a hand pops out of the shadows and pulls me into the darkness. "Who are you."

"Let's say I'm an old friend." I sighed.

"That's not a good enough answer." I took their hand and tried to pulled them into the light. In shocked, I looked at the familiar green face I haven't seen in ten years.


She smiled. "Hi Galinda."

(A/N- Glinda's real name is Galinda incase you didn't know or got confused. Also the ending of Wicked IS DIFFERENT. Wicked is my FAVORITE MUSICAL OF ALL TIME! (BTW it is my dream to play the role of Elphaba on Broadway) So I had hard time writing this. I wanted this story to be good. Hope you liked it. Vote for this story please!

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