1.0 soccer parents

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Taylor's POV

"Mommy they feel weird!" Tegan complained, tugging at her socks.

"Baby they're just shinpads." I told her as we walked across the soccer fields to meet her team. It was their first game of the year as a little five year old team, and I knew they were going to need to get used to it. "Remember you need them to protect your legs while you play?"

Tegan huffed, her two little plaits bobbing as she skipped along next to me, clutching my hand. We walked over to the number field that Tegan's school was playing on, a few of the kids on her team and the opposing team already there. I greeted a few of the other parents as Tegan ran off to where the other kids were fumbling around with their soccer balls, practicing scoring goals. They weren't very good at it, but hey, they were only five. It wasn't serious. But it was very cute.

"Hey, Taylor, hey!" One of the other moms, Jules, looped her arm through mine as she came up behind me.

"Hey!" I smiled at her. "How are you? James feeling better?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "It was just a little stomach bug, he's alright now. Right as rain." She motioned over to where her son was joining the team, along with another little girl I'd never seen before. Jules noticed my pause as I looked over. "Oh that's Ruby, Ruby Kelce. She's new to the school and apparently really into soccer, and I realized I went to college with her dad. Her dad got called into work this morning so I picked her up so she could still play." Then Jules' smile widened. "Hey, you know I think you and her dad would get along..."

"Shh." I nudged her arm, looking away. "Don't start with that."

"Girl, it's been five and a half years since you got any, you should get out there again."

I just shook my head, and Jules sighed but dropped the subject. We chatted about trivial things as the kids warmed up, hands stuffed in our pockets against the chilly morning air. The game started and we cheered on the kids, patching up their little tantrums if they missed a goal, and it went pretty well. Tegan had a semi meltdown, but it was nothing that couldn't be fixed with a hug and telling her she was doing amazing.

Jules and I clapped as Ruby – the new girl – managed to get a hold of the ball and drew her foot back to kick it. One of the kids from the other team sprinted in front of her, and there was a hollow thud as they clashed. All of the parents cringed as Ruby burst into tears, her little hands clutching at her leg as the other kid got to his feet, insisting he didn't mean to do it.

"I got this one." I said, jogging over to where the little girl sat on the ground. Some of her brown hair had escaped her little ponytail as she whimpered, and I crouched down next to her. "Hey sweetie." I said softly, and she glanced up. "I'm Taylor."

"Hi." She sniffed.

"Your leg hurt?" I asked, and she nodded. "Okay, well why don't we go patch you up and get you feeling better?" Ruby nodded again, reaching her arms to me. I picked her up and carried her off the field, over past the parents to the little first aid tent that was there just in case. Grabbing a first aid kit, I sat her down on a chair. "Can I see?" I asked.

Ruby removed her hands from her knee, showing me the scrape pebbled with little specks of blood. Poor kid must have been hit with the studs. I smiled sympathetically as I unwrapped an alcohol wipe, and then I looked at her.

"This is going to sting sweetie, but be brave for a second and it'll be over okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled, and I gently started to wipe up the blood. "Ow." Ruby whimpered, starting to cry again.

"I know, I know." I quickly finished up and then wrapped a little band aid over the wound. "See? All better." Reaching up, I wiped her tears away. "You want a lollipop for being such a brave girl."

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