YOU ARE READING MY NAIL ART BOOK Acak Each week on Sunday I redo my nails, and each week I'll post pics🫶🏻 take a look if you have free time 👀💙 (note: if I don't post for a few weeks, it's bc I cut my nails and want them to grow out healthy before I start painting them again) #idkwhatimdoing #ihatemyself #ihavetomuchfreetime #ineedonemoretag #love #nailpolish #nails #postweekly #random #slay Same status 19 0 0 by Aubry-chan by Aubry-chan Follow Share Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Laporkan cerita Ya there still growing, so I'm not doing them this week Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.