Chapter 28

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"So, you wanna go to the mall?" Rydel asked through the phone.

"Yeah," I sighed, "I need a distraction." I closed my eyes for a few seconds and flashbacks came to me about that night with Ross. I could still feel his soft lips pressed against mine. As much as I hate to admit, I do miss Ross. I miss him being close to me.

"The boys are gonna be tagging along," Rydel added, "and Ross invited Stacey to go too. Is that okay?" Rydel asked like if she knew I had something against Stacey and Ross together. But, I don't, in a way. Stacey seems happy with him and I see Ross being happy too.

"I have no problem with it," I smiled, "so, what time will we be going?" I asked as I sat up from my bed and looked at my clock to see it was 2:37pm. It's still very early and its bright outside but, I'm lazy as fuck.

"Um, well, we're getting ready right now," Rydel spoke, "Rocky just got in the shower so... what time is it right now?"


"Okay then, we'll probably get by your house at 3," Rydel informed, "is that okay?"

"Sounds perfect," I chuckled, "see you here in a few minutes."

"Okay," Rydel laughed, "bye,"

"Bye," we both hung up and I laid back down on my bed. Ugh, I'm literally so lazy right now. I've had less energy now a days. And it's been like 5 days ago since I've talked to Ross. I always keep in touch with Stacey and she always keeps me updated on Ross and such. Which is bad and good at the same time.

I sat on the edge of my bed again and put on my converse. I needed to get ready so I wouldn't keep Rydel waiting. I grabbed my phone from the bed and put it on my back pocket of my pants. I walked downstairs to see my mom sitting on the dinner table and Brandon laying down on the sofa with his phone out.

"Hey mom," I took out a chair and sat down, "can I go to the mall with Rydel? She'll be picking me up at 3."

"Sure, honey," she smiled at me, "just be back before your curfew, remember?" and my curfew is at 11pm. Which in my thoughts, I think it's pretty late for a curfew and it should be a little earlier than that but hey, I ain't whining.

"Yes, mom," I laughed, "I'll be back soon."

After that, it all become silent for a few seconds before my mom spoke up, "hey, Sam, are you okay?" I heard concern in her voice, "these past days you seemed a little bit with less energy," she paused and thought for a while, "is it because of your dad and Stacey? If so-"

"No, mom," I cut her off, "it's not about dad or Stacey," I sighed. You know, I actually was thinking that I would become depressed for having a half sister but I'm actually depressed for a guy that I had a beneficial friendship with.

"Then, what is it about?" my mom asked, grabbing my hands and putting them in hers. As much as I wanted to tell her everything about Ross, I couldn't. I mean, I'll get grounded and all that but what I'm really scared of is that Rydel would find out and stop talking to me.

I opened my mouth to try and come up with an excuse but the door bell rang. Yes! Saved by the doorbell.

"That must be Rydel," I quickly got up from the chair, "um, we'll talk about this later, mom." Or maybe not.

"Oh um, okay," my mom smiled, "be careful, Sam. And remember, come back before your curfew,"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I walked up to the door and rested my hand on the doorknob, "bye guys!"

I opened the door and I almost suffocated in air. Is that possible? Apparently because it happened to me.

"Hey, Sam," Riker smiled at me with one of his cute smiles that makes your heart melt and want to pinch his cheeks. I mean, that's how it makes YOU feel not me.

Friends With Benefits {Ross Lynch} #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now