16 - independance

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That night, Jenna lay in bed, her thoughts swirling like a tornado in her mind. She couldn't get Vivienne's smug expression out of her head, the way she had so easily brushed off her feelings. It was clear that Viv didn't see her as anything more than a plaything, and the sting of that realization was unbearable.

That night, Jenna lay in bed, her thoughts swirling like a tornado in her mind. She couldn't get Vivienne's smug expression out of her head, the way she had so easily brushed off her feelings. It was clear that Viv didn't see her as anything more than a plaything, and the sting of that realization was unbearable.

Despite the harshness of Vivienne's words and the coldness of their encounter, Jenna couldn't shake the feeling of Vivienne's touch from her mind. Her body craved the release that only Vivienne had been able to give her.

With a trembling hand, Jenna slid under the covers of her bed, her thoughts drifting to the steamy encounters they had shared. She began to touch herself, her fingertips gliding over her sensitive skin as she remembered the feel of Vivienne's mouth on her, the way her tongue had danced around her clit, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy.

Her breath quickened, and her chest heaved as she delved deeper into her memories, her other hand cupping her breasts, her thumb circling her hardened nipple. The ache grew stronger, and she couldn't resist the urge to slip a finger inside herself, mimicking Vivienne's skillful movements. Her hips began to rock, her body moving in silent rhythm with her hand as she chased the elusive high. Her orgasm crashed over her like a wave, leaving her trembling and gasping for air. But as the last spasms faded, so did the illusion. Jenna was alone in her bed, with only the echo of Vivienne's mocking laughter. The realization that she had let herself become so entangled in a toxic web of desire only intensified her resolve to cut ties. But even as she made that vow, she knew it would be easier said than done.

The following evening, as Jenna walked into the locker room, she felt a newfound sense of empowerment with the new vibrator she just picked up nestled in her bag. It was a silent declaration of her self-worth and her refusal to let Vivienne's carelessness dictate her pleasure.

After practice, as the team dispersed and the locker room grew quieter, Vivienne spotted the unmistakable shape of the vibrator hidden in Jenna's open gym bag. A smirk played on her lips as she sauntered over, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Look what we have here," she said, her voice a purr as she picked it up, dangling it teasingly. "Looking to replace me with something battery-operated, are we?"

Jenna's cheeks burned with a mix of embarrassment and anger, but she held her ground. "It's none of your business," she said firmly, her hand outstretched to reclaim the vibrator.

Vivienne's grin widened, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, but it is," she murmured, tracing the contours of the toy with a knowing gaze. "It's so... impersonal. Can it really give you what I do?"

Jenna's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowing as she snatched the vibrator back. "It doesn't have to lie to me," she shot back, her voice laced with hurt.

The challenge in Vivienne's smirk grew bolder. "Is that all you want, then? Honesty?" she asked, her tone mocking. "Or do you miss the way I make you feel?"

Jenna's chest tightened, her breath hitching at the memory of Vivienne's touch. "Don't," she warned, her voice shaky.

Vivienne stepped closer, her body heat searing through Jenna's damp sports bra. "Don't what, Jen?" she whispered, her breath hot against her ear. "Don't make you feel good, or don't make you feel anything at all?"

Jenna shivered, torn between the desire to slap Vivienne and to crumble into her arms. She took a step back, stuffing the vibrator back into her bag. "Just don't," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Vivienne's smirk didn't falter as she leaned in, her eyes locked onto Jenna's. "But I want to..." she murmured, her voice a seductive whisper. "I want to make you scream my name again."

Jenna's eyes flashed with anger, her voice laced with bitterness. "You know what, Viv? Becky can have that job now," she spat. "Go ahead and make her scream. Maybe she won't catch feelings."

Vivienne's eyes widened in surprise at Jenna's sharp retort, the smirk on her lips fading into a look of genuine hunger. "Oh, you're hot when you're jealous," she said, her voice low and throaty, her eyes raking over Jenna's flushed face and clenched fists.

But Jenna didn't give her the satisfaction of a reaction. Instead, she grabbed her bag and turned on her heel. "Save it, Viv," she said coldly. "I've got better things to do with my time."

With that, she stalked out of the locker room, her head held high despite the tumult of emotions threatening to spill over. The door slammed shut behind her, the sound echoing in the now-desolate space.

That night, Jenna lay in bed, the vibrator buzzing against her clit.

The vibrator's steady hum grew louder in the quiet room, a stark contrast to the silence of her own racing thoughts. Jenna's eyes squeezed shut, and she let out a soft moan as the toy's vibrations grew more intense, her body responding despite her anger and hurt. She pictured Vivienne's face, the way she had looked at her with such a smug expression, and she bit her lip, the pain grounding her. But as she neared her climax, it was the memory of Vivienne's skilled touch that sent her over the edge, her body arching off the bed, her orgasm ripping through her like a tempest.

She gritted her teeth, willing the thoughts away, but they lingered, a bittersweet reminder of what she was trying so hard to leave behind. As she lay there, panting and trembling, the cold realization set in that she was still playing Vivienne's game, still craving the high that came with her touch. With a sigh, she turned the vibrator off and rolled over, burying her face in her pillow.

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