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Rachel sat on the edge of the bathtub, her fingers nervously tapping against the porcelain. The test lay on the counter, its blank window slowly beginning to reveal the answer she both dreaded and longed for. The seconds dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. She couldn't tear her eyes away, even though the waiting was torturous.

Her thoughts swirled like a storm. She thought of Ross – his calm, steady presence, the way he had reassured her that they would face whatever came their way. She thought of Charlotte, already off building her own life, and how this new chapter could unfold in unexpected ways. There was a faint sense of déjà vu, but also something entirely new: a quiet hope that maybe this time would be different.

Rachel stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, her expression a mix of anxiety and anticipation. She was holding her breath without realizing it. She looked at herself – really looked – and saw more than just the nerves. She saw the strength she'd built over the years, the resilience that had carried her through every challenge. But she also saw the vulnerability she often tried to hide, the part of her that was terrified of wanting something so badly and not getting it.

The test finally revealed its answer, and Rachel felt her heart drop into her stomach.

She glanced at her reflection in the bathroom mirror – her eyes wide, anxious, but beneath the surface, there was something else: a quiet, stubborn hope she couldn't fully suppress. Rachel wrapped her arms around herself, trying to steady her breathing.

"Okay, it's time," she murmured, finally daring to look down.

Two pink lines.

She blinked, her heart skipping a beat as she registered what she was seeing. Two distinct, unmistakable lines. Positive. Rachel felt a rush of emotions crash over her – a surge of disbelief, joy, fear, and overwhelming relief all at once. She reached out, touching the test as if to confirm it was real, her fingers trembling slightly against the plastic.

"Oh my God," she whispered, her voice cracking as tears filled her eyes. "I'm pregnant." Saying it aloud made it feel real like the truth was finally sinking in.

Rachel stood up, pacing the small bathroom, unable to keep still. A mix of laughter and sobs escaped her as she clutched the test, her thoughts racing to Ross. What would he say? How would he feel?

She wanted to call him immediately, to share this incredible news, but she also needed a moment to process it alone. Rachel found herself staring in the mirror again, this time with a soft, incredulous smile on her face. She placed a hand on her stomach, feeling a deep, almost primal connection she hadn't expected.

"You're really here," she said softly, the weight of it settling in. Rachel knew this would change everything, but for the first time in a long while, the future didn't feel so daunting – it felt like a promise, something beautiful and new.
That evening, Ross returned home from work, feeling the familiar weight of the day's meetings and case files. As he opened the door to his apartment, he was surprised to find Rachel already there. She was standing in the living room, a soft, almost nervous smile playing on her lips as she greeted him. Normally, Rachel was at her atelier late, working with clients or on new designs, so seeing her there so early was unusual.

"Hey, you're here," Ross said, setting his briefcase down by the door. "I wasn't expecting you this early. Everything okay?"

Rachel nodded, trying to keep her emotions in check. She had spent the last few hours pacing his apartment, waiting for this moment. She had rehearsed what she was going to say over and over in her head, but now, seeing Ross in front of her, she felt a rush of nervous excitement.

"Yeah, I just... finished early today," she replied, her voice slightly shaky but laced with a hint of anticipation. "I thought I'd come over, you know, hang out. I missed you."

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