the killer's eyes (intro)

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I've never been the same person since my sister died. I remember everything about her yet I don't. I remember her looks, her taste in music, her voice, but I'm scared that someday I'll just forget everything. 

I remember the night it happened. I remember her screaming for help and me being too scared to be able to help her. Maybe if I would've done something at that moment I would've died, but maybe I would've saved her, though I don't like to think about that because I've been told a million times what I did was the correct thing. 
The thing is that I still remember the killer's eyes, how they looked into mine and I knew he had done something that would haunt me forever. His eyes, however, were beautiful. A very exact shade of grey that I had never seen before. 

A guy was arrested for my sister's murder four years ago, Ezra Green was his name. My parents have prohibited saying the words "ezra" or "green" in our house because that would just bring out the trauma in all of us.
They called him "the mirror killer" because he killed all of his victims the same way: with a piece of a broken mirror. My sister was the first victim but there were lots of victims after her, lots of them I knew. 

I hate him. I hate Ezra and everything in him. Why did he have to do that? He didn't even know her. It was just a game for him, a way to have "fun", taking away someone's life. 

But when I was old enough and I visited him in his prison cell, he looked me in the eyes and something in me said "that's not him. That's not the Ezra Green we know", because the thing was that his eyes weren't the ones I remembered. I was a thousand percent sure. They got the wrong guy.

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