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April P.O.V
I hopped along walls and mutated trees. "Woo hoo!" I shout. "This is so fun!" I say. I guess gravity made me lose control of what I was really doing. Escaping.

The skies were pink, almost like there wasn't even a night..or a day..I don't know!

"-predicts a crash." I hear. It was the Kraang! I slid behind a rock and look over. "Kraang does not know how hover craft goes, 'boom'." One says.

They must have been talking about the explosion I caused. "Kraang must not worry for that. But Kraang must worry about, Project X." The other says.

I cover my mouth. What could it be? I wonder to myself. Then I hear their feet clinging. They were coming toward me.

I stayed in my position. Didn't make a sound. I saw their metal feet pass by. They disappear through a thick smoke fog.

"What were they talking about? Project X?" I ask myself. I hop over the rock and run to a crystal tree. I had to cover behind anything I was near, so that's what I did.

The edge of the small island stop, my feet somewhat hanging off the edge. "Alright, time to jump." I take a few steps back, run up, and jump off the island. "Aah...!" I winced as I flew across the air and onto another island-like area.

I made it. "I made it!" Cheerfully I looked down. "Maybe I shouldn't look down for now." I said, my stomach feeling sick.

I look above the ground I was holding onto, to the sight of Kraang droids staring at me. "Um..hi?" I say.

"Subject April O'Neil has been found." A droid says. "Why has she been escorted from the ship?" Another says. "I kinda broke free-ish.." I say. "Kraang wants Subject April O'Neil captured." A droid "helps" me up.

It was already planed. One me, 7 of them. I was ready. "Ya!" I cry and slice the head off the droid with a bladed piece of crystal I picked up. "Attack!" A droid says.

They run for me as I slide under them and slice the two droids legs off.

One droid began to pull out its laser gun. I run to it and kneed it in its head. The small pink alien inside left the fight squealing.

The rest came for me. I dodged one punch and the other two's kicks. Once one threw out a kick I took its leg and broke it off and slapped the other two Kraang with it.

"Done you go!" I say. "Thank you!" I say to the crystal bladed rock.

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