Chapter 1 : The End of the Tunnel

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A Blackhawk slowly descends onto the landing pad of a dam in the southern region of California. Aboard are seven highly trained, well equipped Delta Force soldiers who exit and secure their landing zone. The helicopter leaves the area, while the operatives lie in wait for a moment. With their night vision equipped and rifles trained on their surroundings the soldiers must wait for change, their enemies could have seen or heard them and so they must make sure that is not the case without their knowledge. "All quiet, were good to go" says one of the soldiers, as his closed fist hand signal changes into a finger pointing in the direction they are about to take. The soldiers silently rise from their positions, still holding their rifles at the ready, make their way towards a door beside the helipad. "Stack up, get ready for a soft breach" the leader orders again, the soldiers all get into position at the door. Two soldiers stand on either side of the door, one equipped with a sledgehammer, one with his rifle trained at the door. Each soldier would have another standing behind him, ready to take over if things go south when the door is opened. The final three are facing away from the door, making sure noone can sneak up behind the team. "Standby.." says the leader softly, the soldiers wait in anticipation, theyve repeated this exact scenario countless times both in a shoothouse and in live situations, but the slight feeling of dread still exists for all of them, in fact, it is more pronounced given the circumstances...

"Execute" the leader barks, within a second, the soldier with the sledgehammer launches it directly into the door causing it to fly open. The team enters and swiftly moves down the stairs. They enter some sort of office, its clearly been abandoned, there are sheets of paper strewn all over the place, desks laying on their side and smashed computer monitors. "Clear!" another one of the soldiers says. As the soldiers lower their weapons after securing the room within a minute. "Ramirez, Gonzo, you two'll hold here Anders, Murk you're with me, we'll move to the control room, Benson and Grims start looking through the locker rooms and the canteen. Were on the clock with this one. Find the body, get a sample and get the fuck outta here, nice and simple. Let's move" the leader orders, the level of urgency clear in his tone of voice. The soldiers all nod in agreement and start carrying out their assigned roles. The leader, Anders and Murk all line up beside another door, returning to their combat ready mindset. Right as they are prepared to move, Anders asks "You think were gonna get jumped ?" The leader takes the opportunity to check his rifle once again and says "Big chance of it but as long as we stay frosty, keep are shit together and that helipad stays clear, should be an easy op." Anders nods in acknowledgement, the leader opens the door and the three begin their journey to the control room.

Anders, Murk and the team leader all hastily make their way through the cold concrete hallways of the dam towards the control room. Anders would take note of the dim flashing red alarm light still active, the partially disintegrated corpes of other military personell laying against the walls of the hallway and the partially melted pipes above, still spraying water onto the soldiers below. Anders has seen things in his time, but the situation he is in now is nothing like hes seen before. Anders was trained to fight terrorism. This wasn't simple terrorism, this was much worse..

The three soldiers enter the control room and have a look around. After scouring the area, Murk says with a louder voice "Ay, I got it here" the Team leader and Anders both rush over to Murk whose standing beside a four armed humanoid creature. The anomaly's armour was sleek and otherworldly but had a gaping hole clearly caused by a grenade or 40mm shell in the lower abdomen and a cracked helmet visor. The team leader pushes down on his PTT unit and talks into his headset, he says "Alpha actual, This is Alpha 1-1, we found the prize, we're gonna get the sample and start moving out for evac, over" Team leader pulls out some form of large syringe out from his plate carrier and kneels down to inject the syringe and extract a blood sample from the creature. "Jesus.." Anders says softly "doing a science fair project on an alien isn't exactly what I signed up for, if i'm gonna be honest" Murk would then chuckle and say "dude, we all signed up to see and do crazy shit, so there you go" Anders would shrug and say "Touche I guess. Kinda makes me feel like Syria weren't that bad, I dont know about you but, I'd much prefer IEDs and tripmines to fucking disintigration rays and gravity bombs or whatever the fuck happnened in LA" while extracting the blood sample, the team leader would chime into the pairs conversation and say "Oh come on, both of you need to lighten up. granted , alien invasion doesnt seem all that nice, but look on the bright side, its a departure from what were used to. Gotta be able to find the silver lining in everything, especially in our line of work"

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