Neighbors and Chemistry

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It had been a few days since Rito's unexpected release from jail, and the dynamic between him and Chase had settled into something of a routine. They were neighbors, after all, and though Chase was usually more reserved when off-duty, he couldn't help but be drawn into Rito's orbit.

Chase found himself seeing more and more of the red and pink-furred fox-wolf hybrid. Whether it was passing him in the driveway or the occasional small talk in the mornings before heading off to work, Rito always greeted him with the same playful grin, a stark contrast to Chase's own more serious demeanor. Despite himself, Chase didn't mind the company. He was starting to realize just how much he enjoyed their interactions.

One afternoon, Chase was just about to head back inside after his shift when Rito leaned out of his window, waving enthusiastically. "Hey, Chase! You busy?"

Chase turned, his ears flicking forward in interest. "Not really. Why?"

"Got something cool to show you," Rito said, gesturing toward the other half of the duplex. "C'mon, I think you'll like it."

Chase hesitated for a moment, but curiosity got the better of him. He walked over to Rito's side of the duplex and followed him inside. The place was as lively and colorful as Chase remembered, with bright decor and odd trinkets scattered across shelves. It was so different from his own minimalistic space.

Rito led him toward a back room, which was a stark contrast to the rest of the house. This was clearly Rito's personal chemistry lab, filled with shelves of neatly labeled chemicals, beakers, and tubes. The scent of various compounds hung in the air, though none of them too overpowering.

"Wow," Chase muttered, taking it all in. He wasn't sure what he expected when Rito said he was a chemist, but this... this was impressive.

Rito's tail swayed proudly behind him. "Pretty cool, huh? This is where the magic happens."

"Magic?" Chase asked, crossing his arms and quirking a brow.

Rito chuckled. "Well, not literally, but close enough." He moved over to a nearby counter where a couple of vials were set up. "I've got a little experiment set up here. Totally safe, I promise."

Chase watched as Rito deftly mixed a few colorful liquids, each movement precise and confident. As a police officer, Chase was used to paying attention to detail, and watching Rito in his element was oddly fascinating. The laid-back fox-wolf from the streets seemed so focused here—this was a side of Rito Chase hadn't seen yet.

After a moment, Rito turned back to him, holding up a small beaker filled with a glowing, pinkish liquid. "This," he said with a grin, "is a little something I've been working on. Harmless, but fun to look at."

Chase raised an eyebrow. "What does it do?"

Without answering, Rito gently poured a few drops onto a tray. The liquid shimmered for a moment before bubbling up into harmless, glowing pink foam. It crackled and fizzled, letting out tiny sparks of light. Chase blinked, taken aback by the surprisingly mesmerizing effect.

Rito laughed at his expression. "Cool, right? Told you it was safe."

Chase couldn't help but smile, just a little. "I'll admit, that's impressive."

Rito leaned against the counter, folding his arms as he watched the last of the foam fade away. "So, what do you think? Maybe chemistry's not as boring as you thought."

"I never said it was boring," Chase replied, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Just didn't think it could be... fun."

"That's the spirit," Rito said, flashing his teeth in a grin. He flicked his tail and stepped closer to Chase, nudging him lightly with an elbow. "See? You're not such a tough guy all the time."

Chase glanced down at the playful fox-wolf, feeling a faint heat rise to his face. Rito's teasing always caught him off guard, and the way he said it made something stir in Chase—something unfamiliar. He cleared his throat and shifted his stance, feeling a little out of his element. "I'm just... practical."

Rito chuckled, not seeming bothered by Chase's usual attempt at seriousness. "You mean uptight."

Chase shot him a look, but there was no edge to it. "I'm not uptight."

"Whatever you say, Officer," Rito teased, winking.

There was that wink again, the one that always made Chase's ears twitch. He shook his head, unable to stop the small smile forming. Rito was so different from anyone Chase had spent time with—so relaxed, so carefree. It was refreshing, even if it took Chase by surprise at times.

Just then, Rito's phone buzzed on the counter. He glanced at it and sighed. "Ugh, I've got a call from the lab. Give me a sec, yeah?"

Chase nodded, watching as Rito stepped out of the room to take the call. Left alone in the chemistry lab, Chase looked around. Everything was so organized and deliberate—just like Rito's work earlier. He could see the attention to detail, the care that went into every little thing.

That same care extended beyond the lab too. Rito's casual charm wasn't just a surface-level thing. There was more depth to him than Chase had expected, and he wasn't sure why, but that realization made Chase's chest tighten slightly.

After a few minutes, Rito returned, shaking his head. "Sorry about that. Some issue at work. I'll have to deal with it later."

Chase shrugged. "No problem. I should probably head back anyway."

Rito waved a paw dismissively. "Nah, hang out a bit longer. It's not every day I get to show someone how cool my lab is." He paused, eyes flicking over to Chase with a mischievous gleam. "Unless... you're avoiding me."

Chase blinked. "What? No, I'm not avoiding you."

Rito laughed, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. "Relax, I'm just messing with you. Though, I wouldn't blame you. Most people get freaked out when the cop who arrested them starts hanging around."

Chase's ears twitched at the memory. "I wasn't planning on arresting you again."

"Good to know," Rito said with a wink.

There it was again, that damn wink. Chase felt his face grow warm as he turned toward the door. "I'll, uh, see you later."

As Chase stepped out of the lab, Rito called after him. "Hey, Chase?"

"Yeah?" Chase paused in the doorway, glancing back.

"You're alright, y'know?" Rito said with a grin, his tone unusually genuine this time. "For a cop."

Chase gave a small nod, feeling that strange warmth settle in his chest again. "Thanks, Rito."

As he headed back to his side of the duplex, Chase couldn't help but replay the events of the afternoon in his mind. Rito's chemistry lab, his playful teasing, the strange connection that seemed to be growing between them—it all left Chase feeling a little off-balance. He wasn't sure what it meant, but one thing was clear: Rito was more than just his neighbor.

And that realization was becoming harder to ignore.

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