The Traffic Behind The Willow

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    Like every other morning, Evermore is entering her well-organized and quiet office, a brewed coffee in her hand. She sits on her desk chair. She had just finished solving an important case about contraband and drug traffic. Now she wanted to rest until...


   As I was sipping my coffee looking at the view from my window, I hear my door slamming. "EVERMORE! EVERMORE! OH MY GOSH. YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS." Red. She always does these kinds of entrance and goofs around even when it's 9 in the morning. Not that I don't find it funny, I just can't handle loud noises.
   "What's the matter to make you scrambling all around the office, Red? Any explanation for this not surprising entrance?" I was sipping my coffee once again as I stare at her, waiting for an explanation. "OK so basically... LOOK AT THE NEWSPAPER!" I was confused at the way she was saying it that loudly but I just took the newspaper from her hands and looked at the headlines.         
   Another drug traffic suspicion, ugh. Guess this is not going to be an easy day either today. "Do you know where is this perhaps?" Red read the article quickly. "No idea, I mean why would a journal write this?" "Good point, let me finish that coffee and we're going." Red didn't really want to go right now but contraband is something you don't wait for to happen. "Fine.. Let's go I guess." I finish my coffee, last sips and get my coat and my hat. It's time to go.


Red :

   Me and Evermore are now in the street. It's been 10 minutes only and Evermore already has ideas of where it could be. She's really impressive and I'm not going to lie, I admire her a lot. I've been her friend, well sidekick for now 4 years and I enjoy working with her. I don't know if she considers me as a friend or just someone who works with her but I really hope she does.
   "Red?" I suddenly stop zoning out as Evermore talks to me. "Oh sorry I was zoning out a bit.." She doesn't really show her emotions but I can guess that Evermore was angry. I don't know if she is angry at me or because of the case but I really hope it's not because of me. I suddenly get a call and when I pick up to answer, I noticed that it was my cousin 1989 :

"Hey Red! Just wanted to know if you were free today. I'm at the park right next to Cornelia street if you want to come."

"Hey nine! Sorry I'm actually in the middle of a case with Evermore, maybe tomorrow since it's Saturday?"

"Alright, if you still have free time after that, you can still come, bye!"


   I hang up. Right after I put my phone back, Evermore turns to me. "Did she say Cornelia street?" I was startled by that, she's not the kind to listen to phone calls. "Uh.. yeah? Is there something wrong with that?" I hear the tilt in Evermore's head. I knew she had something big in her mind. "We're going there." "But why?" And then Evermore got a big theory. "I know there has been some contraband going on Cornelia Street last month that the police solved themselves and the thing is that after, it's the end of the city and right next to it there's a park. I think something's going around there." I was confused but I could see the vision in what she said. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"


   After more walking, Evermore and Red finally arrived in Cornelia Street. They were now going to the park as Evermore had more suspicions that the traffic could happen somewhere hidden in the park. They enter the park looking everywhere as Red notices 1989 sitting with someone else. She goes towards them quickly.


Red :

   I noticed 1989 with someone else at the park and went to say hi to her.

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