23. When every moment counts

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Lyra entered her room, her heart heavy with sorrow. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she walked towards the cupboard, clutching the side of it for support. "Why, Grandma?" she muttered, her voice filled with despair. "Why did you give me everything only to take it all away now? What am I supposed to do? What do I tell Vyn?"

Tears filled her eyes as she continued, her voice breaking. "I don't want to leave him. You know how much I love him, from the time we were in kindergarten. He's always been so kind, always took care of me. He never hurt me. Why now, Grandma? Why should I die when I've finally found happiness, when I have everything I've ever wanted? What about our daughter? She's only five years old, she needs me... She loves me. I want to be there for her, to be a strong mom. How am I supposed to fulfill my responsibilities now? Just when I have a beautiful family, why does this have to happen?"

Lyra's sobs echoed in the quiet room. Her words were filled with so much pain that it was impossible for her mother, standing just outside, not to hear. On the other side of the door, her mother was silently crying too, tears streaming down her face. "Why didn't this happen to me instead?" she whispered. "Why my daughter? Why is she being punished like this?"

Her father stood nearby, his emotions tightly held in check. Though he tried to stay strong, he couldn't stop the tears that welled up in his eyes. He hugged his wife, holding her close as they cried together, both feeling utterly helpless. Inside, he battled with his own emotions, knowing he had to stay strong for his daughter, yet feeling completely broken by the reality of her situation.

Lyra's sobs finally subsided as she opened the cupboard her grandmother had gifted her in childhood. The door creaked open, revealing a treasure trove of memories-pictures of Vyn, from their kindergarten days all the way to their wedding. Each photo was a reminder of their journey together, the love they shared, and the life they had built. She felt a crushing sense of loss as her tears returned. "It feels like a curse," she whispered, her face flushed and swollen from crying.

As she rummaged through the cupboard, she noticed something tucked beneath the photos. It was an old diary, one she had kept from her childhood. She gently opened it, her hands trembling. On the first page, her younger self had scrawled, "Hi, it's me, Lyra. Today I watched Cinderella. I also want a Prince like him." The page was adorned with innocent drawings of a fairy, Cinderella, and a prince twirling on the dance floor. Tears welled up in her eyes once again as she clutched the diary to her chest.

She imagined herself speaking to her younger self, comforting the child within her. "You did get your Prince, Lyra. He's the most handsome man, and he loves you more than any prince ever could. Your love is real, stronger than any fairytale." She paused, her voice quivering. "But now, the fairy godmother wants you... she wants your soul."

Her chest tightened as she cried harder, feeling the weight of her fate pressing down on her. As she wiped her tears, a folded piece of paper slipped from the back of the diary. Curious, she opened it and found her old bucket list. Written in her youthful handwriting were all the places she had dreamt of exploring with her prince, the foods she wanted to try, the adventures they would embark on together.

A small, bittersweet smile touched her lips. "At least let me live in your memories, Vyn," she whispered to the paper. "I don't want to leave a single place unexplored, a single dream unfulfilled. I want to be with you, always."

She came out from her room. Her mom also being like lifeless body. In the couch. She tried to hold the tears but can't she wipe her tears and came near to her mother. Eomma. She said her mom wake nervously. She tried her to clam down eomma. It's ok to have this. I'm not sure how I'm going to die. And thanks for everything you had taken good care of me. And i had a sister right please check her too.. At least she will make you smile and I'm not worried about the death mom. I'm ready for that at any time but i want to live some more days with him eomma. Her tears roll to her cheeks and disappearing in her trembling lips.
Her dad kept his hand on her shoulder and said;"don't say like this lyra."she turned to her dad and spoke to her dad,
" Appa, thanks for teaching me everything, you made me a strong woman. Thanks for teaching me to stand in my own leg, Love you appa. And don't show anger on Ana. She is a good girl hereafter she is the only daughter going to take care of you" .
"Only daughter? A voice came from behind. Everyone turned to the side. It was an Ana high school student. She is studying in U. S.
"What happened to you? Why dad you called me to come here. I was busy in the U. S", she said. Without knowing what is going on here. Lyra cupped her beloved sister. Ana asked "what happened to you? Why are your eyes red? Is everything ok? Did your husband hurt you? Or both in fight? Are you going to get.. She came to say her dad closed her mouth with his hand. "That's the right idea appa." Lyra said with teary eyes. "Oh... Shit Ana.." He came to scold her.
"appa, just now I said she doesn't know anything".
"What I don't know?" ana interrupted.
"Nothing sweetie you have to visit my home once".
Lyra creases her sisters skin with teary eyes. "We will spend time together, go shopping and I'll buy you lots of dresses."

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