Chapter 8

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I decided to stop at a decent restaurant, called Nick's Grills, which is a bit of a detour from Colombia, but after eleven almost all the hotels on the way turn into pubs.

When we reach, the restaurant is packed as usual, even though it is very late. The parking space is tight with cars, so I stop the car in front of the hotel and tell the girls to go on inside. After that I manage to find a parking spot in between a Rover and Ford. I get out of the car and start walking towards the restaurant, on my way, I find Mia outside the entrance of the hotel, talking with someone on the phone. She looks more radiant in the moonlight.

When Audrey said that a girl from India was going to join them for movie night, I did not expect the girl to look like that.

When I stepped out of the car, a few hours ago, the evening air heavy with the fading warmth of the day, my gaze instinctively saw Mia standing with my sister and her friends. The setting sun casted a golden hue across the street, and the glow hit Mia just right—highlighting the smooth fairness of her skin and the straight black hair that hung neatly around her shoulders.

She stood out, though not in a loud or attention-grabbing way. Unlike the others, who buzzed with excitement, Mia seemed quieter, more reserved, yet there was something captivating about her. Even as her brown eyes darted nervously around, taking in everything, they lingered on me briefly before shifting away, as if she didn't want to be noticed. But it wasn't easy to ignore her. There was calmness to her, an air of modesty that set her apart from the lively chatter of the rest of the group.

I wanted to look at her again, study her more closely, but I held back. I didn't want to make her feel more nervous than she already seemed.

Now, as I get closer, I overhear her say softly, "I love you, too," before she hangs up the phone.

That simple phrase hits me like a slap. My chest tightens, a surge of heat rising through me. She has a boyfriend? Of course, she does. The thought shouldn't affect me, but it does. I picture her with some faceless guy, holding hands, kissing... It pisses me off. And the worst part is, I don't even know why I'm reacting this way. It's not like I have any claim over her. I barely know her. But still, the images won't leave my head.

I stop in my tracks, taking a deep breath to calm myself. The last thing I need is to act on impulse and do something I'll regret. She stares out into the darkness for a moment, completely unaware of the storm brewing inside me. Then, she heads inside the restaurant.

I follow, keeping a deliberate distance, trying to shake off the strange mix of emotions swirling around in my head.

Inside The Restaurant

As I enter the restaurant, I spot Sam waving at Mia, who is making her way toward them. I follow at a distance, surprised to see that, despite the packed hotel, the girls managed to find a table. They're seated at table no. 15, tucked away in the far corner. Mia reaches the table first and sits beside Sam. When I arrive two minutes later—on purpose—I sit on the only empty seat left, which is beside my sister-Audrey, coincidently opposite to Mia. The table is round, so Sadie is seated between Sam and Audrey.

"Have you ordered yet?" I ask Audrey, trying to focus on anything other than Mia's presence across the table.

"No, we were waiting for you," Audrey replies.

I signal the waiter, and when he arrives, Audrey orders first, followed by Sam and Sadie. Then, it's Mia's turn.

"I'll have the grilled steak with potatoes, and a glass of water," she says smoothly, without even glancing at the menu.

We all stare at her, a little surprised at her confidence.

The waiter turns to me. "And for you, sir?"

"I'll take the Chicken Alfredo, and a glass of white wine," I reply, handing the waiter the menu.

As he walks away, Audrey breaks the silence. "I was going to suggest something to you to try as you are in America for the first time, but it looks like you already knew what you wanted."

"But how did you know what to order?" Sam asks, her voice full of curiosity.

Before Mia can answer, Sadie chimes in with her usual bluntness. "Maybe she Googled it before she came inside, to seem cook. No offense, Mia."

There's a moment of awkward silence as the rest of us exchange disapproving looks, while Sadie remains completely unfazed. Sam shoots Mia an apologetic glance, but to my surprise, Mia seems completely unbothered. I feel a strange urge to defend her, though before I can; Mia speaks up, her gaze locked on Sadie.

"None taken," she says, her voice calm but firm. "But I didn't Google anything. My parents used to take me to a place called 'Taste of America,' in India and the menu was all American, even the head chef, So I know my way around American dishes. So I knew what I felt like eating and I ordered it. Without the menu. No big deal."

Her tone is polite, but there's an edge to it, a quiet strength that hadn't been there before. I can tell she was offended by Sadie's comment, but instead of lashing out, she responded with grace. In that moment, Mia shifts from the shy, nervous girl I had seen earlier to someone who can stand her ground. Audrey and Sam exchange looks, probably expecting a confrontation from Sadie, but it doesn't come.

And me? I can't help but feel a sense of pride. She can handle herself.

The Meal

The rest of the time until our food arrives is quiet. But as soon as the dishes are placed in front of us, Mia reverts back to that nervous girl. There's something different now—fear in her eyes that wasn't there before. What changed? Was it something to do with the call earlier? Her boyfriend?

Why am I even thinking about this? Why is she constantly in my head? I was thinking about her at that boring business party, and again while driving to pick them up. Now, here I am, sitting across from her, and I can't stop wondering what's going on in her mind.

Dinner is mostly uneventful, save for Audrey starting a conversation about the movie they watched. But Mia is still quiet, joining in only when directly asked, her eyes betraying a quiet tension.

On the drive back to Colombia, as everyone else dozes off, Mia remains wide awake, staring out of the window, her expression unreadable in the dim light.

And for some reason, I can't stop thinking about her.

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